56. Back to His

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the song doesn't really have much to so with the chapter, but it came on while i was editing, and i thought it was pretty :)

G xoxo

Nate pushed the door open, to reveal white walls, and dark wood floors. I followed him into the building looking around at the rooms I could see, there were high ceilings and fancy chandeliers in every room, and all the rooms were an off white color, with dark wood floors, and dark wood furnishings, all the furniture matched, and the place overall seemed very masculine, with the exception of the light fittings. He turned to me, and his eyes followed mine up to the big crystals handing from his ceiling
"yeah, I let Kathryn choose those for me" he shrugged, as I smiled at him. He turned abruptly to his kitchen, pulling a container out of the fridge
"ooh I'm starving" I said as I sat on a stool at the breakfast bar he smiled up at me "good, because we are having mac and cheese" I grinned as he heated it up, getting out two forks, and placed the dish in-between us, and we dug in.

Nate's bedroom was the same as the rest of the house. It was painted white with dark wood floors and furniture. His bed was in the center of the room, it was made, and the crisp white bed sheets looked inviting. At that moment, the sky high shoes that I was still wearing began to make my toes ache. Resting my hand on the wall, I used the other hand to fumble with the straps, getting more and more frustrated as I couldn't get it undone. My emotions from the night finally started to settle, the fear, anger and torment finally coming to the surface. Hot tears slid down my face, as I tried harder, pulling at the straps, until Nate's warm hands over mine he led me to the bed, and sat me down gently,
"it's okay little red" he stroked my face and took my shoes off for me "it's okay, I'm here" he was looking intently at me, trying to gauge my emotions, he sat for a few seconds waiting for me to respond, but got up when I didn't , retreating into his bathroom, and coming out with a flannel, and a bowl of warm water. Dipping the cloth in and he swiped the flannel across my face, taking the makeup with it. When he had finished he placed the cloth back in the bowl, and looked up at me "there she is" a small smile on his face. I smiled a little through the tears, but the feelings of despair still ringing through me "I err, don't have any pajamas for you, and you can't sleep in that" he nodded to my dress "you can wear one of my t-shirts" he stood up, and walked over to his draws, pulling out a white shirt and handing it to me. The tears were still running down my face, and I used my wrist to wipe under my nose, I huffed and started to get up, my limbs shaking as I tried to move, causing me to stumble forwards. Nate caught me, as the cries fell out of my mouth. I clutched onto him, crying softly into his arms.
"What am I going to do, I don't have a plan" I dragged in a breath, as I tried to stand up, my hands were shaking so badly, and that I dropped the t-shirt. Nate didn't reply to me, just heled me tightly for a while. I didn't stop shaking
"do you need me to help you get your pajamas on" he asked after a while. I nodded my head.

He gathered the t-shirt in his hands so he could slip it over my head "okay, I'm going to unzip your dress now " I took a deep breath, and he laid his hand gently on the zipper to my dress, sliding it down slowly, then pushing it over my shoulders, letting it pool to the floor. He put my arms in the holes, and slipped the t-shirt over me. We stood in silence, as he looked at me. We stood for a moment like this and I could feel the warmth off his body heating me up. Somewhere amidst all the confusion I felt pressure on my lips. I came to realize that that pressure was Nate's lips on mine. The kiss was perfect, the gentle caress of his mouth against mine, drew a moan from the back of my throat. I could feel him smile against my mouth, as he deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping my lip to ask for entry. I let him, enjoying the feel of his lips on mine. Nate stooped to pick me up, grasping me under my legs, and carrying me over to his bed.

Realization hit me, as he lowered me onto the bed.
"Nate, I- I can't do this" I said between kisses. He pulled away looking slightly confused, but said
"okay, err, I'll just erm" he got up and walked away from me
"No Nate, I can do this, just, I, I can't" my voice trailed off, and Nate just looked more confused than he did before. I pulled my hand through my hair,
"I can't go any further than this. I'm not ready" there was silence in the room, as neither of us spoke. I had looked away, unsure of his reaction, but was surprised when I felt a gentle hand on my knee
"hey, it's okay, I would never force you to do something you didn't want to" I looked into Nate's eyes, and found that they looked relieved nodding, I lent forwards and hugged him "thank you Nate" he hugged back, and looked at me,
"can you tell me something though?" I looked at him warily "what happened to your back, truthfully" I shook my head apologetically
"I can't" as I looked up, I felt like I had let him down, but he didn't show it. He smiled and went to put his pajamas on. then came back and snuggled in the bed beside me.

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