The M.C. Damian, who was also Chelsea's cousin spoke up and said, "Alright ya'll, now that the newlyweds have spoken, it's time for the best man to speak, please welcome Michael." I watched as Michael went up to the stage and cleared his throat, "Let me just say, I'm truly honored that Chris asked me to be his best man. It really means a lot to me, I would be the happiest person here today but I guess nothing beats marrying 'The Chris Brown' right Chels?" The audience laughed as Chelsea blushed and Chris kissed her cheek. "Me and Chris have been boys for a while and when we first met and go out and stuff, we weren't looking for girls to settle down with, if you know what I mean... but as time went on, we grew up, got more mature and our mentalities changed, we knew we were getting older and we were ready to settle down." He glanced over at me for a quick second then continued, "But nothing made Chris more ready to settle down then meeting Chelsea. You know how guys usually deny falling in love with a girl 'cause they don't wanna be called 'whipped?' well that was the exact opposite of what he did. I remember one time I looked at his phone right around the time they started dating and he got a text from someone named, 'My Everything' and I asked him who it was and he said Chelsea and I asked him when she changed her name to that in his phone and she said he did it himself. Ain't that some crazy ish?" Everyone started laughing again and Christian began stirring in my arms, he probably needed to be changed. I grabbed his baby bag and tried to discreetly exit the room while Ty kept speaking. When I got into the bathroom, I took off his little suit bottoms and his diaper seeing that he had made a little poopy. I scrunched up my nose then removed the diaper and cleaned him before putting on a new one. "Usually I wouldn't do this for any baby, but you're special boo." I spoke to him in my baby voice as I put back on his bottoms and placed him on my right hip while slinging his baby bag over my left shoulder.

As I exited the bathroom, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Passionaye holding King's hand.

"Hi Ms. P." I said smiling and giving her a hug to the best of my abilities.

"Janelle! I've been meaning to talk to you, I've missed you so much. We all do."

"Aww, I miss you too. Especially this cutie." I bent down and smiled at King. He looked at me for a second, trying to remember who I was and when he did, his face immediately lit up and he hugged me. "JANELLE! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too booboo." I kissed him on the forehead.

"Are you coming back to stay here?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm just visiting."

"Oh." He frowned which broke my heart.

"But I'm staying here until next week so we'll hang out, okay?"

"Okay." He nodded and asked, "With Daddy?"

I bit my lip, "Maybe... but go on into the bathroom and I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay. I love you Janelle."

"Aww, I love you too King." I got up and smiled at Michael's mother before heading back into the room.

"You good?" Q asked me.

"Yeah, just had to change this little stinka right here." I ticked Christian and he startled babbling and giggling.

"You really love kids Janelle."

"Yeah, I really do." I looked over at Michael who was staring in the direction of me but I couldn't figure out what in particular he was looking at... Weird.


I put King to sleep in my bed just as my mother came back into the hotel room. "Today was beautiful." She said as she sat in the bed beside mine.

Unfinished Business [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now