Only a few months earlier I was stressing about graduating from school with my dux title. Sam and I were struggling to keep our feelings secret. To top it off Henry was a thorn in my side. Now we’ve travelled together, gotten married and we’re expecting our first child. What’s with that? How is it possible for life to work like this? I should be excited about Uni but I’m not.

My thoughts are interrupted when my phone beeps. Looking at it, I see a message from Nancy. At last! In this message she sounds much chirpier. We end up texting back and forth for the next half hour. Sadly we can’t text any longer because it’s late there plus I need to leave for Uni. I really want to tell her our news but I don’t. I want to be certain before I go announcing it to anyone.

I’m happy that we’ve chatted but I still feel deflated. I feel helpless that I can’t be there with her and I still miss her so much. A tear involuntarily drips down my cheek at that thought but I quickly wipe it away. I will not let my emotions get the better of me! Stupid hormones.

Thankfully I have to leave now so I’m able to push the thoughts to the back of my mind.

My first day isn’t so bad. I don’t feel sick anymore, thank god. I’m tired but it’s not so bad. What makes it better is the day is full of inductions so I don’t have to pay much attention. Overall it’s a good day. I meet some nice people and by the time I leave to go home, I feel much better about things.

Rather than going back to my place, I go straight over to see Mum. It’s time to make amends once and for all.

When Mum answers the door a few minutes later, I half expect to see a look of anger on her face. I don’t. In fact she looks… relieved?

“Mum, hi.” God this is awkward. I hate this feeling around my family. “Do you mind if I come in?”

A look of guilt crosses her face. “You know you don’t need to ask, Emily.”

I’m tempted to make a smart remark but I don’t. I’m here to make things better, not make them worse.

We go into the lounge and sit down. Neither of us says anything at first and it really unsettles me. I want Mum to do something, anything, just so I know if she’s going to freak or not.

Finally Mum speaks. “I suppose you know about Simon and Danielle?”

That’s one thing I don’t get about Mum. She never calls her Dani. I’ll never know why. I know it’s got nothing to do with disliking her because I know she and Dad think the world of her. For some reason she just doesn’t like abbreviated names.

“Yes. Sam drove them to their motel last night.”

Mum nods and I hold my breath waiting for the explosion.

It doesn’t come.

Instead Mum says, “I think I owe you an apology, Emily. I’ve been very unreasonable this last week. I’m afraid I doubted you and Sam and that was wrong of me. I was shocked how quickly you married and I feared the worst. Then I remembered that you of all people would know how you feel. You always have been the sensible one.”

I feel a stab of guilt at this comment. If only Mum knew what happened in Madrid. Still that’s neither here nor there.

“I’m sorry for overreacting, Emily. I really am very happy for you and Sam. You remind me a lot your father and I.”


“Well we married very young too. I was your age in fact and your father was a little older than me. We met, fell in love and married within a few weeks.”

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now