
Her eyes finally began to focus, and she saw someone in front of her. Rubbing her eyes to hopefully be able to see, she was confused when she saw her mate there. His golden eyes were soft, and he smiled at her.

"Youko? What's going on? Where's Hiroki?" she asked, sitting up and looking around.

He frowned slightly at her, "Hiroki? Koishii, that battle ended ages ago."

"What?" how was that possible?

He nodded, "Yes beloved. We are finally free."

"But I-"

"Shh," he put a finger to her lips, pulling her close with his other arm. He used his thumb and forefinger to pull her by the chin and kiss him. She was so overcome with emotion, all conscious thought left her at that point. He was so warm, so perfect, "We have all eternity," he whispered, his lips grazing hers with every word.

She was in a trance, unable to move, "Youko..." she trailed weakly. He only kissed her again, this time with much more force. She moaned slightly, giving into her desires. His scent, so intoxicating, and his touch was driving her wild. Growling lowly, she let him claim her. It full of such passion Moriko thought she would pass out. It felt like eternity, all previous thoughts of doubt far from her mind. He kissed her cheek, and then moved to get dressed.

"Where are we?" she asked, retrieving her clothes.

"Home, beloved," he replied, "Are you alright?"

She blinked, frowning slightly, "Yeah, I... Yes, I'm fine."

He nodded at her, a gentle smile on his face. When he saw that her clothes were on, he opened the door to their room. In ran two pups and two kits, straight to her. Three boys and a girl, three different ages. Moriko gasped, as these children surrounded her. They bore the markings of her and her mate, tawny and silver hair, tawny and golden eyes. Moriko looked up at her mate in utter shock, but he just smiled at her. He walked over, hugging his family, while Moriko stared in wonder at her daughter, and then her sons.

"Mum, grandma won't let us have anything to eat. She said if we didn't hunt we don't get to eat," said her eldest son. He was the spitting image of his father, only his hair had some tawny in it.

"That's right. Every wolf must learn how to hunt, and you are at that age," said a strange voice coming from the hallway out the door. Moriko's breath caught in her throat. Aiko, her mother, stood in the doorway, smiling down at her daughter. Moriko stood slowly, and then flew into her mother's arms. She did everything she could not to tear.


Kuwabara woke up in his bed at home. He yelled something incoherent before looking around his bedroom confused. The sun shone in through the window, and that greatly confused him.

"Are you alright Kazuma?" asked Yukina, looking on curiously.

"Yukina? What's going on? What happened to the guy we were fighting?" demanded Kuwabara, flying out of his bed.

Yukina simply laughed, "Oh Kazuma, don't be silly. You must have just had a bad dream.," she took his hands and he stopped what he was doing. He looked down at her confused. She simply kissed him, and his brain turned to complete mush.

"Where's everyone else?" asked Kuwabara.

"They're in the living room, koi, waiting for you," Yukina whispered, leaving him to go out the door. Kuwabara practically pranced after her and saw all of his friends waiting for him. Yusuke and Keiko, Shizuru, Genkai, Kurama and San, Koenma, Botan, and even Hiei were sitting there, looking every so happy to see him. Kuwabara stood with a goofy grin on his face.

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