Unexpected Confrontation

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San started by sniffing out the temple. The trail was quite cold, and it was hard to catch Genkai or Yukina's scent. She had to come back here anyway to shower and change clothes. Of course, Kurama's mother really wanted them to stay, but meeting Shiori was enough. There were other times, San was sure. Her mate couldn't pick up a trace of them, but that didn't surprise her. His nose was nothing like hers, and not quite what it used to be. Human noses just weren't good. And that's when she decided to change into her wolf form. Going back into wolf form scared her at first. She pushed her fears aside, however, feeling secure with her mate's eyes on her. He was staring at her, an unrecognizable look on his face. She lolled her tongue out, and then licked his hand. He smiled warmly at her, wiping his hand off on his clothes. She caught a faint trace of Genkai's scent. She could feel Yukina, demon energy feeling stronger than spirit. She walked out to the front of the temple, her mate beside her. Instead of going towards the stairs like San expected, she was following the trail to the forest. She padded along, Kurama right behind her. Deeper into the forest, to a part of it that she did not recognize.

When Genkai said three days outside of the city, San knew that it meant three days for Kurama. Her goal was to make it less, and they could cut that time in half with the amount that they had been running. She had a fix on Yukina's energy, and changed into Moriko. She turned to face her mate, who was a bit shorter than her in human form. Her tawny eyes watched as his green orbs became golden right before her. They gradually rose and Youko stood before her. He kissed her, and then the two of them set off. She smiled as she ran. He had increased his speed over the time she spent enjoying her freedom, but she was still faster, meaning that she had as well. They ran for most of the day, and when the moon rose, Moriko stopped. This territory was unfamiliar, and she was unsure of her bearings. She could smell nothing of civilization, and she knew that they were well outside of the city.

"What is it, beloved?" Youko asked her.

"The trail, I cannot feel it anymore," she responded.

He sniffed, "There is nothing but forest around."

"Exactly. The trail stops here, and we aren't even a day outside of the city."

"Maybe they took flight on that beast?"

"It's possible. I do not know why they would use Puu after this far unless they were in a hurry."

"Perhaps we should check the top of the forest."

"Yes," she agreed, and jumped to the top of the trees. Youko was beside her, and the two of them searched for some sort of sign. The moon was caught behind clouds, making it hard to see in the dark. But she was a wolf, and her eyes adjusted quickly, "What's that there?" she asked, pointing off into the distance.

"It looks like smoke," he replied. He raised his head and sniffed the air, "I cannot smell it."

"Let's head towards it. If there is unpleasantness there, it is no threat to us."


They continued on their journey, only they stuck to the trees. It didn't seem like they were getting any closer to it at all. Moriko found that strange. Perhaps the smoke was further than they thought? A chill wind blew, and it made the two demons stop in their tracks. Something was about, something unfriendly. Youko looked at her. She returned his gaze, and then he nodded. They quietly dropped so that they could see the forest floor. Moriko couldn't smell anything about, and she found that strange. The only way that could happen is if someone knew her so well, that they covered up their scent. Their energy must have been so weak that she couldn't feel it, or that particular someone knew of her talents, and knew how well her mind worked. But there was only one person that knew her so well. Hate in her tawny eyes, Moriko jumped down to the floor.

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