Chapter 14

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Niall fell to the ground, blood rushing down his cheek.

"Harry stop!"

I ran over and grabbed Harry's broad shoulders and attempted to pull him off of Niall. He was so heavy, but I didn't dare let go. I didn't care what would happen to me, he was hurting Niall. My friend.

I felt Harry's large arm give me a gentle push backwards. He turned to make sure he hadn't hurt me, then grabbed Niall's shirt collar and started beating his head against the ground.

What had gotten in to him?

"Harry please!"

He wasn't listening to me. He stayed on top of Niall, cursing at him. Yelling out threats of how he could hurt him.

"I told you not to touch her again!" He said as he pounded Niall in the gut. I heard as gasp escape Niall's mouth, but he didn't dare answer Harry.

"Harry!" I was still yelling, loudly, but they didn't seem to notice.

I looked around to see if I could get anyone to help. There were students everywhere, but if they did the the fight they were ignoring it.

"Someone help him!" I yelled at them. Most of them made eye contact with me, but stayed where they were or continued walking.

Why weren't they helping? Was Harry really this frightening?

I saw a group of jocks in the corner, many of them were twice the size of Harry.

"What's wrong with you!" I yelled at them. I didn't care if I was embarrassing myself, someone had to do something. After no one volunteered, as sighed as I realized I had to do it by myself. I turned back to Harry and Niall.

Niall didn't look frightened, he just laid there. He wasn't fighting back, it looked as though he was accepting all the blows Harry was giving him willingly. When would he stop? When was Harry ever satisfied. The words Niall told me the day of Addison and Harry's fight filled my eyes.

'He's... not himself when he's angry'.

I didn't care. I was tired of him being so hateful. I was tired of him bossing his friends around, bossing me around! I was just tired if him in general. It's time he got a taste of his own medicine.

It took everything I had in me, but I made my way over to them both. There was a stick about the size of my arm on the ground next to them. I grabbed it and swung it high over my head before bringing it down on Harry's back as hard as I could.

{ Harry's POV }

He wanted to die. Niall really wanted me to hurt him.

Had he not heard me last night? Was I not clear? I had made pretty easy to comprehend that I didn't want him around Bethany again. Or else.

I knew I was going to far, but I couldn't stop. The adrenaline pushing through my veins, only making me want more. Niall was a good guy, one of my best friends. But all that seemed to go away when I saw him touch Bethany. My Bethany.

"Harry!" I could hear her calling my name from behind me. I wanted to stop and tell her to shut up, but I couldn't. She was different, if I upset her she would leave. Just like this morning in the car, and I didn't want her to leave.

My hand was getting numb, but I continued my blows to Niall's face. He wasn't fighting back, which disappointed me. This probably looked really bad to Bethany, but I promised myself I would explain it all to her later.

Niall looked like he was about to go unconscience, but I didn't stop. I knew Bethany was probably scared, or mad. So I slowed my punches, and turned to face her but didn't make it that far.

I felt a hard pain in my back and cried out in pain. I rolled over off of Niall and grasped my side desperately. I didn't want to be angry, but I was.

My eyes flew open to see who would have dared stopped me, let alone try to hurt me. My eyes landed on Bethany helping Niall to stand. She had a long stick in her palm, and was holding it out to me as if too protect herself. My anger turned into confusion.

She looked frightened, but determined. She was standing protectively in front of Niall as he wiped the blood on his shirt. She looked so tiny next to him, I knew I could easily push her out of the way and continue my beating with Niall. But I couldn't do that with her, mentally. I didn't want to.

Why did she make me feel this way, I was Harry Styles. I beat up, stole, and fucked whoever I wanted to without getting crap from anyone. How could this one stubborn prissy little girl make me want to stop. Make me want her.

She was slowly backing away.

"Just leave," She said. I could see the tears in the corner if her eyes. Was she going to cry? Had I made her want to cry?

I stood slowly and reached out to her.

"Come on then," I said back. If I left she was coming with me. She had to come with me.

She shook her head vigorously, the tears now flowing down her cheeks. I felt my insides turn to acid as I realized she was afraid. She was afraid of me.

"No," She whispered.

My face fell at her words, she didn't want me. No matter how desperately I wanted her to come with me she wouldn't. Not after today, and after what I did to her brother, and at the party. I hadn't felt bad for any of the things I'd done to her until this moment. I had done things to her I would have done to any girl that showed up and I wanted. She wasn't just some girl, I couldn't do theses things with her. She was fragile, and lonely. She hadn't had anyone, and I only made it worse.

I wasn't going to apologize. I had too much pride. And I wasn't going to let her go without a fight, I was too selfish.

"Yes," I demanded. I walked over to her and reached for her wrist but she raised her stupid stick higher in the air ready to swing.

"Stay away from me," She said.

She wasn't serious.

"Bethany come on," I demanded.

She didn't move from her position. She just shook he read.

I grunted at her stubbornness.

"You have no way home," I stated. I just had to explain, then she would put up with me again.

She seemed to consider the odds, but was interrupted before she could decide.

"I'll take her home,"

We both turned to stare at Niall. His shirt was covered with blood but be stood strong, looking me dead in the eye. I felt the anger surge inside of me again.

"No," I said loudly. My fist were clenched at my sides.

"Harry please," It was Bethany. She was looking at me, her cheeks stained from her tears. But she looked desperate.

"We can talk later," She said as she walked towards Niall. He didn't touch her, but stood protectively in front of her.

"You don't get to protect her!" I yelled at him, but he didn't move.

Bethany looked angry. But stayed behind Niall.

"You don't own me!" She yelled, which only made my anger boil over. I was shaking and I felt my hands ball into tighter fist. I was breathing deep trying to calm myself. I didn't want to fight again, that would only make her hate me more. I wasn't about to let Niall get away with my girl either though.

"I'm calling you later," I said though my teeth to Bethany before turning back to my car and driving to Louis's.

Sorry it's a short chapter, double updating today. Vote & Comment pretty please!!

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