Chapter 12

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I felt Addison's strong arms wrap around me as I was hauled up into the air. He quickly brought me to his car and laid me in the back seat. I knew I was being a baby, or just over exaggerating the situation, but it felt nice to have someone take care of me. To make sure I wouldn't get hurt.

I heard him climb into the front seat, and start the car.

"How did you know where I was?" I mumbled.

"You told me you were going to Louis's party remember," He said blankly.

"Yeah, but I've been walking these streets for about an hour, how did you know I'd be here?" I sat up straight so he could tell I was being serious.

He sighed.

"Well I went to the party, and when you weren't there I asked around if anyone had seen you leave," He said matter-of-factly.

I was starting to think straight.

"Harry," I said. "You didn't run into him again did you?" I remembered now that Harry had left us for the longest time and if Addison was there when I was looking around the house, they were bound to run into eachother.

He stayed quiet, but I knew the answer.

"Addison your suppose to stay away from Harry!" I yelled.

I looked into the reflection of the rearview mirror into his eyes. He tensed at the mention of Harry's name, surely he hadn't gone to Harry asking where I was. How stupid was he?

"I know," He spat.

"What did he say?" I asked too quickly. I blushed when Addison gave me a questioning look.

"Well," He said slowly.

{ Ashton's POV Flashback }

Bethany had probably left for the party by now. I had to get there before she did.

I grabbed my keys of the ktichen counter and ran out the door before my parents could pester me.

When Bethany had told me about going to Louis's party, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop her. When she sets her mind to something she does it. She was stubborn, and I hated it. But she was still my sister, and I knew who was going to be there.

Harry would surely be there along with his stupid pets, and I recognized the girl Bethany was with today to belong to the same group. Which means she's probably with them. Little Bethany in the middle of a drug crowd, what a sight this will be.

I pulled up to Louis's house. It was crawling with students, and older junkies. I wasn't trying to be judgmental, in fact this was exactly the kind of parties that I went to, but this was no place for Bethany to be. I knew the only reason she came was to prove a point. She always has to be right.

I feel my insides turn as I walk up to the doors and spot Harry in the doorway. They were already here.

He was smirking at me.

"About time you showed up," He called before bringing a beer to his lips.

I wasn't in the mood for his games. "Where is she,"

He didn't seem suprised by me ignoring his question. He just continued to smirk as he walked down the front steps.

"Who?" He teased.

"Bethany. Where is she,"

He chuckled. "Oh her. She's just upstairs," He gestured his beer up to the house.

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