Ch. 35

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(Chase POV)

Its been a week since Jake had that bog fight. Now we in first hour talking our ass of. Jake got up and left to use the restroom when Carl yelled "HEY FAG " and punched Jake in the stomach and he fell crying. Mike for up so fast and best the fuck out of Carl while me and Dex attended Jake. I smelled blood and it was Jake's. I know Dex smelled it to because his eyes was turning red which means he going into his protection mode. I yelled "MIKE COME HERE NOW IT'S AN EMERGENCY" soon as Mike cane over I know he smelled the blood too because he staryed to growl. I whispered "we got to get him to the pack doctor".

Soon as I said that Mike picked up Jaje to the pack doctor as we was running throw the woods I saw his 3 cerberus following us. I ran tp his parents and his so called uncle Gell, Dex ran to go get Paris, Andrew, and Tom, while Mike took Jake to the hospital.

One u got in the house I heard them talking in the kitchen.

Luna - Chase honey why you home so early
Me - Jake was punched in the stomach by this kid name Carl in our first hour. Jake was headed to the restrooms. He said "hey fag" then punched Jake. Jake fell and Mike best the fuck out of Carl and Jake inside of his stomach was bleeding and now he is in the pack hospital
Alpha - I'm going to kill that kid because he probably killed my grandbabies

Then we ran to the hospital. Mike came out and said "my kids almost died but they gave him a c section more the kids alright their names is Toby and Tiara but the bad part is that Jake is in a coma" the luna broke down crying. They brought the babies out and they look just like Jake in his green eyed form but the girld had purple eyes while the boy had red eyes.

Paris - his creatures are in a cina too do we got ti wait until they all wake up.

It's been a month since Jake been in a coma. Mike barely eat. The luna, Lisa, Paris, and Andrew watch after the babies. Me and Dex are the only ones that go to school since Mike is in a depressed state. Gell and the alpha been going crazy. So Tom been the help trying to cheer everyone and that's been stressing him out. Dex fought Carl 4 times. The kids cry every night for Jake.

It's have been four years since Jake been in a coma. The alpha stepped down and have his title to Mike. Gell gave his beta title to me. Timmy gave his gemme title to Tom. The kids am still cry for their dad. Toby and Tiara started school done months ago we never put the over kids in school because they already smarter Then the other human kids. The luna had a baby girl and called her Java. My mate Lisa had two kids a but and girl the girl is a neko we name her after her mother and the biy was a wolf we named him after me. Andrew had a baby girl and called her Annie. Jake never had his prom I feel sad for because vm he always wanted to go. Site and Crystal would stop by and say hi to use. We ask graduates from Wilson High.

It been 6 years since Jake been in a coma. His Toby and Tiara is 6 years old they already know everythinf about their father. The other 8 kids is 6 and but look 10 and act 16. The pack it running quite well. We ask still in our depression state over Jake but no one shows it. We had little rouge attacks.

Today we all are going to meet Jake. We all took turns telling Jake about our day his mom was crying.
Taira - papa daddy is awake
Alex - no he's not
Taira - yes he is look

We all turned around to see his eyes glowing red. In Spear came out.

Spear - in thirsty and how long have we been out
Alex - uncle Spear y'all been out for 6 years
Spear - can I see the kids that he gave birth to before we went into the coma
Tiara & Toby - that's us
Spear - they do cute

Then Spear disappeared and came back with blood dripping put his mouth and went back into Jake body

A minutes later his eyes glow from green to blue to purple to red. In his eyes closed and they and reopened and he said "what is everyone starring at" them he touched his belly saying "where my babies at"

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