Ch. 18

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(Mike POV)

Me, Chase, and Jake was walking to school. Was really concerned for Jake today because ask yesterday he had more swing. Then he go leave for 4 hours and at night he had a nightmare. But while Jake was out Chase found his mate Lisa at first I did not like him. Today wet Woke up late do we had no breakfast and I just know Jake go be grumpy.

Jake- Mike I'm go be ok and Chase no the school do not serve fish
Chase- what if v I'm thinking something ready nasty then what
Jake- I already read something dirty in your mind while we was in vacation do you want me to tell
Me and Chase screemed no

We made little talk by time we made it to school we was a little late we managed to get Chase out exact same classes. We his Chase cat ears with a hat abd stuck his tail in his pants he said it was uncomfortable but he said he'll deal with it.

All throw first hour people keep on asking us who was Chase we just said he was Jake cousin and they asked why he moved here we saud his parents die which really did happen and Chase is 18 like us.

All through second hour Chase and Jake talked about something Jake really need to pay attention that's why he get bad grades. So through our break from 3rd to 4th hour I told him to pay attention he just said ok. So throw 4th hit we set in the front people was said all while lit of words like fag, freaks, cock suckers, etc. Boy O boy Jake got mad and me and Chase calmed him down. He mind linked me and said "this why I sit in the back" I just said"I understand". Then some dum ass go throw something at him and then past him a note saying I'M GO KILL Y'ALL and he snapped and said who sent this abs held up the note this one kid raised his hand me and Jake growled while Chase hissed under our breath.

Jake -I got you after school
The boy -ok we will see
Me -bitch did you just threatening my boyfriend
The boy- yep
Me -fuck after school I'll go dear yo ass now

I was go jump at him but Mike stopped me "do you ready want to get suspended again" I said back "no" then I throw something at the boy and gave Jake a kiss and me, Chase, and my mate set down and ignored all the comments the people had.

At lunch the three of us set at our own table and task among ourselves until Jake gave me a hurt look and mind link me and said "Mike they have a gun and thinking about shooting us" I mind linked "who Jake" he replied "I'm not trying you because you go try to do something and get hurt and I'm go go crazy" I just said "ok" then we finished our conversation and all got up to throw our plates away when a price of did touch my head.

Jake eyes turned purple and he turned around say who throw that. That's the most I seen him mad over someone just throwing a piece of food at me bite imagen if something else happened. His whole face turned red and yelled again in alpha voice "WHO THE FUCK THROW THAT" the who lunchroom pointed at a bit named Gary and he had a big smirk and said "come on fag".

I tried to calm Jake down but it was to late so I cared his parents while he was matching over to him while Chase tried to stop him his parents said ok they would be at the school. So I ran over their to Jake and still could not can him down.

By that time the whole lunchroom was looking at us and Jake punched the Gary in the nose and their was blood everywhere. Then his son ass had to say who else what some. The but from earlier and 15 others guys came out. So me Jake and Chase prepared for a fight we took off our shirts me and Jake had a 8 pack. Chase manged not to knock off his hat he had a 6 pack.

Then we got into a big lunch fight we came out untouched while 15 boys was bleeding out. The one guy from earlier came back with a knife telling me to come on. I ran over and took the knife out his hands and throw it across the room then almost beat him to death until Jake stopped my whole Chase just cheered me on.

By that time Jake parents was in the lunchroom with since if the staff. I got to say that was the best fight ever. They asked what was this about I was fin to explain. All we heard was a loud cry and I looked over and saw Jake touched his stomach with blood dripping out. Then to the crowd and someone with a gun.

I ran up to the person dodging his bullets everyone one was in shook faze and I was mad he hit out pups and my mate I got to the person and beat him into me almost died. Then ran over to help Jake the alpha mind linked me and said "the him to the pack doctor" I told Chase to come on and we ran off to the pack doctor.

We arrived 5 minutes later Jake lose some more blood. The doctor took him in and cane out a while later by that time his parents was their. Dr. King said "alpha, luna, Chase, and Mike I have some news to tell you".

His mom broke down not even hearing what I he had to say and that made me get worried "ok umm Jake is ok and his baby" his mom hurried up and said "baby" the doctor just nodded.

I thought this was the perfect time Chase already know so I did not have to tell him. "Doc can you plz leave for a moment" he left and I started to talk "Jake bren pregnant for a while and he can get pregnant only one more time and me and him is post vampire him because he got bit me because we mates and he need to drink one human ever 16 and me 17 of each month to keep our vampire alive" the alpha was the first to speek "why did not tell us" I replied "he was" they just said ok.

We ask went to Jake Chase left a hour later because his mate dragged him out. His parents left 2 hours after that. I just set there until he woke up which was at 10:00pm. He drink his water I told him that I told his parents we was part vampire and that you can only get pregnant one more time he just said ok.

We left the doctors at 11 went home eat then went of to sleep.

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