Ch. 25

417 25 2

(Mike POV)

I've been worried about Jake these last few days he been having nightmares every time me sleep. Like yesterday at school he fell asleep in like 5 mins later he was screaming. Also he keep throwing up everything he eat. Also he is ready horny always that the past I love tho.

This morning he woke up wanting toaster strudels. So I made him some he eat and then showered and got ready for school. Now we walking to school.

Jake -hey fuck you two I hate y'all

Me and Chase just looked at him and continued to walk.

Jake -big daddy can you carry me to class
Me -sure

I picked him up and carried him to class Chase want to jump on two Jake just growled at him. While he hissed then Jake hissed they got onto a heated argument.

Jake -Chase I hate you
Chase -fuck off Jake
Jake -he's my man bitch
Chase -I'm straight and already got a mate
Jake - I'm so sorry can you forgive me
Chase -fuck you

They stand silent the whole way until Jake got off my back and then slapped us both.

Chase and Me -what the fuck Jake

He just shrugged thrn kissed Chase cheeksthat earned a growl. Then he jumped on me and wrapped his legs around my waist and we staryed to make out. Until cleared his throat. We stopped for Jake to be pregent he sho is fast.

We finally nade it to class we had had to go up to the bored and do problem on the bored.

Ms. Green -Jake come do 14
Jake -fuck off bitch
Jake -y'all fuck off too

Then he walked out and we ran after him.

Jake -Chase and Mike I don't feel to good

Then he fell out. I pick him up and rushed him to the pack doctor with Chase on my tail. We made it their the doctor to him immediately. The came out later ans said "go get his parents". So me and Chase ran to the pack house. I yelled "ALPHA AND LUNA JAKE IN THE HOSPITAL" they ran out the door and heaed to the hospital.

We ask arrived at the hospital. Dr. Ramon said "alpha, luna, Mike, and Chase follow me." We followed behind him and stored at a room which Jake was at with a person that look exactly like him but had fangs. We walked in.

Alpha -who are you
The thing -I'm Jake but his vampire side

Once he said that another thing that look like Jake came out but had scales

Scales Jake -I'm his dragon side
Vampire Jake -why the fuck you out
Dragon Jake -because I can

Then a rock/fire/water/wind Jake came out.

Vampire and Dragon Jake -why the fuck is you out element Jake and no more of yall cone out but Jake wolf come on

That when a 7ft wolf came out of Jake body. Thry all just looked at us and said "you are the prople that cause him to be in this state of pain."

Me -what pain
Vampire -those dam babies the only one I approve is the vampire one
Dragon Jake -also the goddess was wrong he actually was wrond he is having 6kids a wolf, wolf/vampire, vampire, neko element, and dragon baby but they all look in human form
Me -why is he having a neko baby
(Then a neko Jake came out)
Neko Jake -because he oart neko why do you think he love cats and get along with Chase so easy also hi I know now of them dummies said hi so fuck y'all 4
Vampire -fuck the rest of those babies the vampire will be the strongest

The wolf growled at him then the 5 of the started to argue.

All of them -y'all are what's wrong with him
Alpha -how
Neko Jake -task cause him to much stress y'all know he wasn't to release his powers and now on he will everwhere but school

They all went into Jake body and Jake woke up saying "come"in a deadly voice. We all went over then Tom busted in the room "you come too" we all set on the bed and in the next second we was on some random beach.

Then Jake fell back out and like 1,000 creatures came out some of them looked like Jake then the vampire came back out and said "this is all of his powers and now all if you get back in his body before he exect for that ugly wolf" they all called him a bitch and stuck up the middle finger and called him a bitch but they obeyed him.

So the wolf and vampire was left.

Me -what's the task reason task are out
Vampire -to tell you to stop cumming in his body because the mire you cum up his but he can still swollon it tho which is nasty but wolf like it anyways if you keep doing that the more of them babies you create
Me -ok
Wolf -I'm fin to bring out your wolf and Chase your cat

With that a my big black wolf cam out , a big broen cat cane out of Chase, a Brown wolf came out of alpha, a red wolf cane out of the luna and a grey wolf came out of Tom they all went over their and set by Jake wolf.

Me -how the fuck you do that
Vampire -in thurst I'll be back
(then disappeared)
Wolf - I just called them out now say hi to you creatures O and dad and Mike he really do forgive y'all
(We all said hi and the vampire came back with blood dripping out his mouth)
Vampire -hey wolf bitch why did you not call out Mike vampire never mind I'll call
(And a vampire that look like me came out)
My vampire -hey people umm Jakey dear can we go get some blood
Vampire -sure
(With that they disappeared)
Wolf -see that wht I did not call them out because they go go blood crazy but forget them fir now and yes Nick we can fuck later O Mike that's your wolf name
Me -ok
Wolf -Chase dear go talk to your cat his name is lion, Ton go talk to your wolf his name is Timmy
(with that they was off)
My wolf -time fir family talking
Alpha wolf -I hate you Jacob I was sleeping
#I forgot Jake wolf name#
Wolf -fuck off Ace hey Air
Luna wolf -Jacob respect your father and hey dear Trish can I talk to you, you also Ace, and Derick
(Those four was off its only us three)
Me -can you wake up Jake
(Both vampires came back with blood dripping out their mouths)
Both vampires -No bitch
Jacob -Spear come hear that Jake vampire
Nick -our vampire is called Speed
Speed -Nick you can suck my dick
Jacob growled and Spear slapped Jacob saying "bitch dondon't growl at my mate they all started to fight.

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