Ch. 27

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(Chase POV)

It's been a week since Jake fell out. I'm really want my savor and best friend back. His mom been crying e er night. His dad going ask crazy on his pack but he did give Tonand my lovely Lisa back their phones. Lisa been stressing because of my worries. So the only two hear to feed us and take care of us is Tom and Andrew they cook and clean. Now Michael I'm really worried about he have not left the hospital at all since Jake fell out. He refuse to go to school, eat, sleep well he eat one a day at least because the Luna make him. Yesterday the dragons came by they was even worried they started to make snow storms. Good thing I managed to calm down Crystal who calmed down Snow we set and talked the dragons wanted to st him so the pack doctor brought him out on the alpha order he looked more pale then last time abd his belly was bigger. Snow looked at us and said "he's having a dragon baby on human form which can turn to any drangon on his birth come and get its so we can be the first two drangons he see sp he don't turn out evil" the doctor pulled Jake back in his room. Snow started to cry and fell out that shock everything. Crystal git him up and they went home.

Right now I'm in first hour. A new kid came in Monday today is Wednesday his name is Dex he got our 1, 6, 7, 8, hour also our lunch I was happy because I had someone to talk to but 2-4 I have no-one to talk to so I be lonely. I wonder how Jake will react because now that he pregnant he got an attitude problem and super clingy to me ever since he got pregnant will he always wanted to cuddle with me. My best friend I miss him I even miss his mate.

Dex -what you thinking about
Me -nothing
We talked for a while until the teacher walked in and got to work. All throught 3 hour people keep massing with me wait untul I tell the guys Mike already want to kill the football team.

Now I'm line this long lunch line with Dex behind me then someone said something in my mind "Jake is awake and this is Mike abd this is throw a mind link ok bye" I hurried out of the lunch line then the lunchroom and ran into the woods all the way to the pack doctors and into Jake's room.

He was sitting up and I started to cry he looked at me his eyes where happily blue and his skin back with the tin everyone was already hear. He wakes to me and said "Chase why are you crying" I replied "because I'm happy " he hugged me then went over back to Mike and jumped on him attacking him with kisses.

Alpha -Mike and Jake plz don't have sex in the doctors place and soon I glad you are well but tomorrow you are going to school

About time he was finished Mike pants was down wow he is big. In the next minute everyone was out abd ask you heard was moans from Jake. It took then 2 hours to finish Jake came out with cum on his lips while Mike had a giant smile hugging him from behind. I said "Jake whip your mouth" he looked it up abd moan with it. We ask gave him a nasty look.

Alpha -y'all two bitches are nasty and didn't I tell y'all not to have sex abd Jake when you get home brush your teeth.

Jake ran out of Mike hands and kissed his dad who would of killed Jake if his mom was not their.

Jake -anyone else got something to say
A pack member -shut the fuck up you fagget bitch and whi mate is a hoe and yo kitty friend is a pussy I'm not going to say nothing to your parents because they are the alpha and luna
Alpha -boy you ......

Before he could finish Jake had him stomped into the ground and lit on fire saying "no one talk about my family and yes Tim, Andrew, Lisa y'all are my bothers and sitter now Chase is a my best friend and brother and Mike you is everything to me best friend, lover, and everthing else you is my world and my parents you are my everything but not like Mike is.

Someone had to say "shut up" Jake eyes turned purple and his wings came out and all the elements started to surround him. Out of nowhere my wing came out with this irritating root tail, Tom eyes turned ehite and his wings came out while Mike eyes turned red/blue and wings came out. I guess our powers automatically come out when Jake eyes turn purple.

Jake ran out side and yrlled "dragons of all dragons cone now" in a minute every dragon came including Snow and Crystal then a elderly dragon came forward.

Olderly dragon - why did you call us Neth
Snow -good to see you awake Jake O and Neth is Jake drangon and he rule over all dragons
Neth -I can't talk to my family
Blue dragon -we have not saw you and over 1,000 we almost die out by vampires and hunters alsp werewolves I hate all of them and the person you picked got to be all of them things plus more
Snow -shut the fuck up talking to Jake like that you bitch
Then all the dragons got into an argument and Jake turn it was bigger and looked older and stronger and very colorful
Neth -all y'all come down and I picked two dragon mate to be by my side this time Crystal and Snow step foward and live forever but I will only come out in need ok so call me Jake

Snow and Crystal obeyed then Jake vampire and other creatures came out

Older dragon -this boy got all of the most powerful creature that ever lived including the neko
All the creatures -yes we are
Spear -I hate all of you
Snow -your racie is the reason ever creature almost die out exect for the wolves who lowered you population
Spear -fuck wolves and if any of y'all in this pack say anything rude to Jake I will kill you with the rest of these nasty creatures

An angle cane out if Jake. Jake came awake to his old self.

Red drangon -this the little bitch y'all choose to live in
Neth -watch your mouth
Jake -hey you guys

Jake hugged ask his creatures.

Neth -ask you dragons can now return home

They all left. A 10ft cat came up and said "hey Chase I'm Chad."

Jake -so ask of you was in me why
Jacob -becauce you wolf Jac needed help so I helped it and when you helped Chase Chad had came and when you helped Snow Neth came and Spear that rude ass vampire came when you killed those 90 vampires the rest just came and the moon goddess gave you the elements and the angle
Jake -will guess what
Spear -what
Jake -I love y'all nite who babies is in my stomach
Jacob -you have my baby, Neth, Chads over their, the elements, and Spears also the hidden baby that look like Mike also act like him
Neth -ok all creature get back in Jake you to spear

They all entered Jake including Chad and Neth. After that we all talked and played around until dinner we eat and went upstaits luckily Jake had dishes. I told my mate about my day at school then fucked her and went to sleep.

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