Ch. 34

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*******continue of Ch. 33*******

As my mom stomach grow we was all transported to a stadium. Only me and my creatures, Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, and some other gods and goddesses was in the center while everyone else was in the bleachers.

My creatures came into my body ready to fight. The first one to step was Poseidon.

He ran up and punched me all the way to the water. He tacked me in and started to drown me and I got nad and the water started to turn different colors and then a beam of light came out. Then I dried up the water. Now it's only ground so he had no power use. I turned into my wilf and used dpnic boom and he flow all the way back over to the other gods and goddesses. Tgrn I started to bit him.

Then out of no where I was throw and that when all of the started to attack me. So I hadd no clue what to do so I just punched the ground to where there was a giant crack. They started to throw all their powers at me so I put up a force field.

Out of nowhere I feeled a burn to my back and the firce field broke and all them thrien their abilities at me and everything went black.

(Mike POV)

Once he dropped the force field they throw all their powers at him and he fell and all the kids started to cry.

Then a beam of lights came out his body and flow uo in the air with all of his eyes changing colors, also his wings to and he grow to be 10ft with purple eyes"

Then all hell broke lose all you saw was tornadoes, and othets storms.

Then he looked at Hades. He started to crush his hands in a fist and Hades body started to crumble then he stopped he made all the storms stop and he replaced the water and fixed the water. Now my baby ready for a real fight.

A giant rock was thrown at Jake and he punched it and it broke in half. Water started to surround him and it had froze now he stuck to the ground He looked up to the sky and his eyes turned red and fire just staryed to surround him and melt the ice. While that was happening a bolt of lightning cane From out the sky headed towards him.

I thought omg my baby fine to die. Then the bold of lightning was a inch from his body when he redirected back go to Zeus. Then a nud mad came from the ground and grabbed Jake by the neck. Jake turned into a snake amd slithered away. Then he disappeared.

I looked over and saw him laughing by me and that's when I looked back at the stadium and saw all the gods and goddesses confused. Me and Jake little talk then we kissed and he kissed the kids on the forehead and said bye.

Then he was sitting on top of a rock waving at the crowd. Thats when he let out his creatures to fight and that they did. He relaxed for a while then c as lled his creatures back.

He jumped yp and started to have a fist fight with on of the gods. Then a bold of lightning hit him and he fell out.

Then Spear and Jacob came out his body and said "if yall do not stop we will kill y'all this is the only warning and they webt back to his body. Jaje woke up holding his head.

Then someone from the crowd said "just kill Jake already." I looked for the person and one I found him me and Chase walked over their and punched him.

Then the whole stadium shock. We looked mback down to the fight to see a giant dint with Jake laying in it. So I jumped into the stadium and ran to Jake once I got their he woke up. Then something hit my head in yelled ouch. Jake looked up and said "baby turn aroumd" and I did. Then I was teleported back to my seat with a cloth on hy head.

Then Jake went crazy and killed 7 out of the 10 of them. Thr only three that was left was the once who challenged him. Jake calm down and said "why do everyone hate me" Zeus said "because ur gay so they think you is not git ti run anything." Jake turned into hid weak old human form the form that I use to bully him in. He as started to cry and he saud "I never wanted any of this I do not even want to be alpha of the Red Rider Pack because of the way they use to treat me, my on father would not listen to me I even I got bully by the person who is now my mate but the good thing or of all of this is my family, and frirnds I made because I use to be a loner I hate violence unless I have to be violent I give up because I hate killing and bringing people and creatures down why do y'all tHink I heal everyone I fight " once he finished he healed back all the died and he teleported us back to our pack grounds.

Once their Zeus stepped up and said "Jake we now will make you gthe gid of all creatures" and everyone that was nit part if the pack left. Then Jake turned into his blue eyed self.

Jake said "when my eyes green that my original form and when they blue like always that means that my creatures is in my body and when the turn purple that means all my creaturs are mad. My muscles get bigger as my eyes turn also my height change from 4.5ft green eyed to 6ft blue eyed to 10ft for purple eyes. My wolf go from pure white then to white with strips then to my whole dody glowing blue. That is what happen to when my eyes turn now if its red you better run."

After his speech his stomach griw again while the luna's shrunk. We spent the rest if the time talking and having fun but Jake did get into argument with his dad and Gell.

That nice Jake gave me a blow job before we fell to sleep.

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