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I was scared then I thought of Mike if I don't make then what would happen to him so that have me courage and my wolf had to test all these creatures and people. I put up a force field to block Mike from entering the fight I don't know why I booked his parents he looked worried. Then the battle gained so I just tellaported to the other side of the force field they all looked shocked none of them can brake it but me so I just kissed Mike and told him I love him he said it back and then I transformed back to the other side and punched the earth causing a giant crack that got rid of 2 vampires. Then I closed it back and yransfotmed bake into my new muscular human form. The chanced in to a lion and ripped of some of the rouge head. Then I got shot and fell to the ground and transformed back to human.

TThat's when m y wolf got mad some I changed into him and charged at the hunter and a vwmpire go grab me and throm me trow the air I was fine to hit the ground when I remember I can shift so I shifted to a bird ans flew up. Then back to human and made a ball of ice with fire around it and throw it at them. All the hunters die anh some of the wolvies.

Now I can stop using powers and gift then like a real werewolf. Now I'm surrounded by a whitch, 16 wolves and 12 vampires. I charged at them and blood start slpater everwhere with bodies now its a witch, 10 wolves and same amount of vampires. I was getting tierd until Mike screamed and that gave some energy and killed somehow of them.

Then one of them bihtch ass vampires bit me it hurted. Now I only got this witxh ledt whi keep puting spells on me. Now I'm tied to the ground amidst out of breath. The good part out of all this is I'm part vampire now. The which came closer I grow weaker and weaker and the force field broke the a bullet hit me out of nowhere that when I say Mike fighting his dad for the gun. It have he enough energy to put all the elements in on wip that wrapped around the witch and killed her. They I rose all the blood and bodies in the air and made it all disappear.

Then it feeled like I was stabbed. Then I heard a scard voice screaming "NO" and it was Mike he was next to me crying and then everything black


It's been a sents ny mom stabbed the love of my life sfter another hour I called his father who was over hear in a matter a no time with his mom. They both asked what happened I told them everything and they just said ok Then like 3 hours later Jake woke up with his parents stairing at him. His mom and me in tears while his dad looks mad. While my parents got that I dont care look.
Mr. Smith (alpha)-why did you not call for back up Jake
Jake-I don't know I just thought of it as practice
Mr. Smith-practice boy you almost died and Mike would you like to live with us
Dad-no he is not staying with a bunch liked mutts
Me -I would love to
Then me and Jake ran to my room and packed my thing and went back downstairs to a bunch of arguing adults "he is n poo t old enought to live with you" "the but is 18" with a while lot of other shirt we put the bags in Mr Smith car and went back into the house too see a fist fight between our dads while the moms just ignored each other. My family is so stubborn me and Jake broke up the fight.

I gave my car keys to my dad and told him"if you would of accepted him this would of not happen now you losing your son until you ready then we can talk until then fuck you and you can have the car I'm keeping the motorcycle."

With that we walked out me and Jake got on the motorcycle while his parents got in there car and drive of to me new home witch I was go move in after a month becauae reallly I did like my pparents. When we pulled up it was 5:30. Jake parents told us no school we was happy and finished bringing the bags to Jake room then we cuddled in bed and went to sleep.

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