Change My Mind (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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"Jack, come back Jack." I watch Kate Winslet beg the love of her life to return to her. "Listen to her, Jack!" I yell at the tv, starting to cry. Damn, everytime I watch Titanic, I cry. I wipe the tears away, getting up to get a water bottle. Maybe that will calm the emotional wreck.

I'm spending my friday night like I usually do. Alone in my downtown San Jose apartment. Watching some of my favorite films. I'm opening the water bottle when I hear a slam. Or more like a thump. "Shit." I don't know how somebody could be breaking into my apartment.. I live on the 5th floor! Out of all 15 floors and multiple apartments, they choose mine?

I walk out to where my front door is and see that it's not a burglar at all. I see a tall figure with curly/wavy brown hair. I move closer and see the person I thought I'd never meet. He looks just like Harry Styles.

"Oh. Hey, Babe." He slurs, coming closer to me. Once I hear his voice, I DO know it's him. "Harry Styles?"

"Oh please don't scream." He groans, rubbing his head. "I won't." I inch closer. " I can make you scream though." He whispers, pulling me into his arms. "Um. Okay, hold on." I move out of his arms, going into my room to calm down. It's obvious he's drunk. I immediately smelled alcohol in his breath.

Yes, I'm a directioner. I love One Direction with all my heart. I think they're amazing. Oh, and very attractive. I have a bit of a crush on Harry. He is definitely hot. But I know he'd never like me. And why I'm not fangirling? I always promised myself if I were to meet him or the band, I wouldn't scream. I would be myself.

Even though I'm extremely cheeky, I'm not going to have sex with Harry. I just met him. Actually, why would he still be here? I walk out of my room  to find him asleep on the couch.  I can't help, but to smile. After turning of the tv and covering him with a blanket, I go into my room to sleep, knowing I probably wouldn't see him again in the morning.


My eyes flutter open to grey light streaming in my room. Another rainy day. I don't mind, I love the rain. I get out of bed and step into the bathroom, noticing the brown tangled mess on my head. After brushing my hair, I go out to the kitchen area.

I hear a groan causing me to jump. I'm surprised to see Harry. Once he realizes where he is, he sits up and looks directly at me. "Erm.. How- No I remember.. I'm sorry, did I do anything? Like.. U-um."

"No. You tried, but nothing happened." I reassure him. He smiles, "Oh, I'm really so sorry. I'm Harry." He gets up to introduce himself. "I know. I'm Andy." I say. He gives me a confused look. "You're a fan and you're not screaming?"

"Yeah I'm a fan. I just promised myself I'd never scream if I ever met you or the whole band. And quite honestly, I don't feel the urge to scream.." I explain. "That's cute." Harry smiles, exposing his dimples. Ah, his charm. "I feel really bad, Andy.. Can I take you to breakfast or something?" Harry adds.

"Sure. You have some explaining to do by the way." I grab my sweatshirt then we leave.

Once we get out of the building, we walk down the street to a small diner. We take a seat and order coffee. "So how did you magically end up in my apartment?" I ask with a little smirk. "There was a concert last night.. And after we all went out to a club. I got a little drunk and started to walk around when somehow I was in a big building.." He begins. "I was a bit out of it, so I wanted to ride the elevator.. I just pushed a number and when the elevator stopped at your floor, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom.. You apartment was the closest one to the elevator.. I tried to open your door and I wound up lucky that it was unlocked.." He finishes, laughing.

"Unlocked?" I question, trying to remember how I could have forgotten to lock the door. "Oh, I went grocery shopping and had my hands full. I just slammed the door shut.."

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