Part 16

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I'm at the mall Christmas shopping. I'm ignoring the hateful stares and smiling at the bubbly fans. It's about nine days away from Christmas and Harry is in London with the boys. I'll be flying out tomorrow with Julie. It'll be her first time in London and her first time meeting Perrie and Eleanor. I met them when I spent Thanksgiving with everyone in London.

Back to shopping, I need to get gifts for EVERYONE. For three hours I go in and out of stores and here's where I stand.

Louis: 3 shirts with either a blazer or jean jacket.

Zayn: 4 Action movies

Liam: 2 v necks and a pair of converse

Niall: 3 snapbacks

Julie: A Ritchie Valens record and 2 movies

Perrie and Eleanor: A white or black sparkly dress with heels

Lastly, I shop for my boyfriend. I buy him 3 beanies, 3 blazers with shirts, another pair of boots, and I'm going to tell him that I want a tattoo. His 4th present is what I want for the tattoo. With everything bought, I go home to wrap presents and to pack.

~ London (Harry's POV *Next day*)

"Okay, Louis. Now you can put the star on." I tell an anxious Louis. He places the star on top of the tree and smiles, "Perfect!"

The tree is complete, with gifts already under it. For my beautiful girlfriend I got: 2 oversized sweaters, the movie "The Heat" since it was the movie we watched together when I realized how amazing she is, an electric guitar, (she's been talking about one forever) the new 5 seconds of summer beanie, a pair of leather boots, and a good batch of cookies :)

"Where are the lads?" I ask Louis. "They will be here soon." Louis sits on the couch. He pats the spot next to him. "How are you and Andy?"

I smile and sit. "Great."

"More, Harold! I'm not saying talk about the sex, but more! Wait, talk about the sex if you'd like." Louis changes his mind. "Please do!" Niall comes in with the rest of the boys. "Or not." I say. "Andy should be here any minute, Lads."

"Someone say my name?" I see Andy walk in, setting her bag and a red Santa Claus looking bag down. "Baby!" I get up and run over to her. She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. The boys groan, but Liam awe's. "Where's Julie?" Niall asks, making Andy pull out from the kiss. "She got distracted and went shopping. I gotta go pick her up when she texts me."

"Oh, that's my princess." Niall nods. "I've brought Santa's half from San Jose." She takes all the gifts out from the bag. "Ooh nice." I smile at her. "Julie said she's ready. Can I borrow your car, Babe?" Andy asks, looking up from her phone. "You know your way around?" I hand her my keys. "Yeah." She takes them from my hand and gives me a quick kiss. "Thank you!" She runs out.

"Well. I think it's obvious how great you guys are." Liam says. "No, I still want to hear this!" Louis whines until I finally give in. 

"What do you want to know?"

"What do you love about her?" Zayn asks, first. I smile and sigh. There's a lot. "She's funny, smart, independent, very kind, and.. Oh my god is she beautiful."

"Yes she is." Liam nods. I glare at him a little. "Very pretty." He recovers. "Nicely done." I say. "So you guys are serious, eh?" Niall asks. "We're very happy. It's still too soon to be talking about marriage, but I have a good feeling about it." I tell him. 

"That's nice and all, but how's the sex?" Louis keeps on asking.  "Niall, are the girls back yet?" I ask him, pointing to the window. He looks, "Nope."

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