Part 19

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~ Harry's POV ~

Soft lips. What the? I open my eyes to see Andy putting on sweats and an oversized shirt. I groan a little, still trying to wake up. She looks back and smiles at me. "I only kissed you once. Is that all it took?"

"Yup." I laugh, rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hand. "I need clothes." I look down at my naked self, smirking a bit when I remember what happened last night.

"Ah, I like you better naked."

"As you wish, Babe." I chuckle, getting out of bed with a blanket around my torso.

~ Andy's POV ~

"Sam's  wedding is tonight." I remember, telling Harry. "I love weddings. They're so cute."

"One day you'll have your own." Harry smiles, kissing my forehead. I blush and laugh. "Why you say that?"

"Just a thought." He shrugs, walking into the bathroom to shower. Since we decided to have fun at 2 in the morning, and then baking at four, we slept in BIG time. .. We have to leave in a couple hours.

Five minutes later, Harry comes out from the shower, and I go in, the bathroom smelling like his cologne.

~ Harry's POV ~

Marriage. Already? It was my idea.. Now that I think of it, it sounds perfect.. And natural. We're too young though. No, who gives a shit! If we love each other, we should do it!

Oh, God. I'm so confused.  Okay, Harold. Think. Seriously. She's an amazing person.. Sweet, caring, funny, smart, beautiful, and.. Beautiful. She understands my job and the media. No one else did. They would all let it get to them and then they become snobs.

She knows how to deal with everything.

Andy was there. Every time I was about to crack from the media, when I had bad days, when I got sick, everything. She knows how to calm me down and how to bring me back to earth when it all gets too overwhelming.

Sure, we have our fights where we might be absolute hot heads, but that's how relationships are.. Healthy ones, anyway. I can count how many fights we've had. Very few. Every time we recover from it, we only become stronger.

Which is why we haven't had ANY fights lately.

Harry, save the speech for when you DO propose. When will that be? Oh stop you nervous wreck, she's out of the shower. "Hi!" I must have been thinking for a while.

She gives me a small smile, kind of suspicious of my high pitched greeting. "Hey, Babe. You ok?"

"Uh. I.. You know our one year anniversary is coming up. Do you see a future with me?"

Her jaw kind of drops a little. Oh no, I scared her. "Uh, never mind."

"No, I do. I do see a future with you. I just didn't think you've thought about it." Andy says.

I sigh, "Well I'm glad we talked about it."

"Yeah." She smiles, starting to get ready.

~ Andy's POV ~

"That was sweet." I tell Harry as we walk out of the chapel and start to walk to the reception hall. "It was. Jeff cried a bit." Harry slips his hand into mine. "I know. It was sweet." I coo again. "Sam's parties are always fun."

"Fun?" Harry winks. "Mhm." I nod, and we get to the hall. At our table, there's Jolene, Bill, and my parents. I hug my mom and stepdad and so does Harry.

As we're waiting for Sam and Jeff to arrive, my mom and dad decide to ask Harry multiple questions. Such as media, how fun concerts are, how he likes all the traveling, and more. He answers them like a champ :)

Luke runs up to our table and hugs me. "Hi, Andy! Hi, Harry!" He runs to him too.

"Hey, Bud!" Harry smiles. "So, Harry you enjoying the break?" My mom asks. "Yeah, it's nice to spend time with everyone. Kind of dreading the new tour 'cos I'm gonna have to leave.." Harry glances at me.

Sam and Jeff arrive, and the party starts.


"I'm gonna dance, wanna come?" I ask Harry, standing up. "No, it's ok. I'll stay with your parents.

 He smiles at my mom and dad. "Okay." I kiss his cheek before running to the dance floor with Sam. I hope Harry knows what he's in for, being with my parents..

~ Harry's POV ~

"I'm glad to see that you guys are happy." Libby smiles. "Yeah, it's almost going to be a year." I tell them. "Wow. Went by quick, huh?" Ben asks. "Everyday was a joy." I say, truthfully. "I'm such a boring person. I'm glad she's so laid back too."

Libby laughs, "I know. She's very happy with you though. I can see it. I'm going to dance too. Want to come along, Ben?"

"Sure." He agrees. "Oh, wait. I'm sorry, Harry. We don't want to leave you alone."

"Oh it's ok. Go ahead." I tell them, shooing them away politely with my hand. They leave to the dance floor. Looks like things are going good for them..

I'm the only one sitting down, but no one notices. Even though the room is crowded with people dancing, (well. Humping. People apparently don't dance anymore) I still have a clear view of Andy.

The music changes from a fast and upbeat song, to a slow and meaningful song. The lyrics get to me a bit.. They're relatable. I take a sip of my drink and sit back, really listening to the lyrics.

105 is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I wanna be with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed, that's precisely what I plan to do.

"Wow." I breathe out. How ironic is it that on the same day I start thinking about marriage, this song plays at the wedding? Oh shit, I missed some of it. What's he saying now?

I'll say will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it I'll say will you marry me?

Yup. This is way too big of a coincidence.

How many girls in the world can make me feel like this? Baby I don't ever plan to find out. The more I look the more I find the reasons why you're the love of my life.

Geez. I sit by myself, watching my love dance the night away with her friends and family, and I finish the song thinking.. Harry, you sure have some things to ponder over..

I hope you enjoyed it.. I'm loving this story and I want to know if you guys are too! Please vote or comment, I would love it so much. Still love you guys <3 I don't own the video I attached to the side. I love that song! As soon as I heard it, I knew I wanted to have it in my fan fiction.  Love you! <3

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