Part 25

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With the venue done, and gorgeous, Harry's in London with the lads, while I'm staying at the house in LA. When I told Gemma how I wanted her to be a bridesmaid, she got so excited, she said she'd fly out to spend the week with me and help plan the wedding. I of course agreed..

I'm at home waiting for Gemma to arrive, when I hear someone knock on the door. I open it to Gemma, holding multiple bags. "Hi! I didn't know what to bring, so I brought everything.. And dinner." She smiles, hugging me after putting her bags down.

I laugh, showing her where she'll be staying. "So how's the planning going?" Gemma asks, as I'm helping her unpack.

"It's coming along, actually.. We've been extremely lucky that we can get everything on short notice. We've finished the venue, reception hall, food, and we booked 2 cellos for the ceremony band. And the invitation's have been sent." I answer, out of breath.

"Oh wow. You guys work quickly." Gemma laughs. I laugh in agreement also, "Yeah. We try to finish at least 3 things a day.. Since we only have a little more than a month left."

"So quick! Ooh I can't wait." Gemma grins, sitting down on the bed, once we finish.

"I have a couple surprises for you then.." I add, causing Gemma to pipe up. "Tell me!!"

"Tomorrow I was planning to get my dress. And possibly the bridesmaid dresses." I say, and she smiles brightly, "I'm going to burst from excitement. I swear."

"We wouldn't want that, Love. Oh, Julie and Kayla are going to be meeting up with us too."

"Great! They were nice girls, at your engagement party.." Gemma says.

"Well, I was going to assemble the wedding favors, tonight. Would you like to help?" I go to the hall closet to grab the boxes. "Of course!" Gemma comes running to help and we spend a good 4 hours drinking coffee and  wrapping the personalized glass hearts with our wedding date and names on it, in white tissue paper.


We're all walking around in Santa Monica, trying to look for the bridal shop. "How's Harry, Love?" Kayla asks, walking next to me.

"He's good. Excited for the wedding. He's done most of the planning, actually." I laugh, as I notice a few girls staring at us, before running away, their thumbs probably tweeting away on their phones.  "I think we've been spotted." Gemma whispers.

"You know it's funny, they're more afraid to come up to us than the boys, in public." Julie says, as we approach the shop.

We laugh, entering the store, to rack after rack of dresses. And a few being modeled by mannequin's. "Jesus." I mumble, earning a laugh from the three excited girls in front of me. "Hii!" A tall blonde girl walks over to us, probably no older than Gemma.

"Oh hell no." I think to myself. I'm not gonna lie, I hate stuck up, bubbly girls. I can't stand them. Lets see how this goes. "Hi." I smile, accepting her hug.

"Welcome, my Loves! We've been looking forward to your arrival!" She squeals, clapping her hands.

"You have?" I ask, without thinking. "Why yes! We have the future Mrs. Styles here! This is going to make our shop more popular!" She beams, earing a dirty look from Gemma. I quietly laugh, as the blonde girl gasps, "I'm so sorry! My name's Regan. And I know you're Andy! OH! You're Gemma! And you're Julie, Niall Horan's girlfriend! Oh my, and you." She stops at Kayla. "You're.."

"Kayla." She answers for Regan. I'm not sure I want to buy my dress here, from this girl.. I bet the owner is much nicer.. Me, not wanting to cause any drama, continues to be nice and follow Regan to the sitting area.

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