Part 13

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"Thank you so much, Andy. I'll be back at 8." My sister-in-law, Jena puts some bags down and hands me her baby. "I hope she isn't too much trouble."

"She won't be. Only 5 months? We'll be fine." I smile at Jena and baby Scarlett. "Enjoy Joey's play. And tell Cal I say hi."

"I will!" Jena rushes out the door. "Well, Honey. Harry will be surprised to see you." I set her down in her bouncer, so I can wash some dishes. I also unpack her bag for the 3 hours she'll be here. I'm keeping an eye on her while cleaning.

"Um. Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" I turn around to see Harry holding the baby. I laugh, "She's my niece. I'm babysitting her until 8."

"Oh okay. Cause I was about to say, if every time I go to the store, there's going to be a baby at home, we need to talk." Harry jokes, smiling at the baby in his arms. She smiles up at him, and grabs his bottom lip. "Oh, that's mine, Love." Harry bounces Scarlett around the apartment.

I smile at him with his ability to make babies happy. Through out the night I watch Harry play with her, make her laugh, and just being adorable. "You're going to be a great father someday."

Harry stops making goofy faces and smiles. "Someday, Babe. Someday."

"Time to feed her."

Harry puts her in the highchair. "Lets see if you like this." I open the jar of baby food. I hold out the spoon of peas, but she won't take it. "Love, you gotta eat." Harry coos behind me. "Look, Scar. Uncle Harry likes peas!" I hold the spoon up to him.

"Erm. Yeah." He fake smiles. "Take a bite, Hun." I say. 


I nod. Harry slowly eats the mushy food with a not so pleasant smile. "See, they're good." Harry says.

"There's some juice in the fridge." I tell him, finally feeding a happy baby. "That was terrible." Harry says. "I don't mind the real food, but baby food is nasty."

"I bet. Thanks for eating it." I smile. "No problem." He kisses my cheek,


"Thank you for taking care of her." Cal takes the baby from my arms. "It was fun." Harry hands him the bags. "Ha, well have a good night kids." Cal leaves. Harry closes the door and sighs, "What now?"

"I gotta pay some bills. That is, if I have the money." I go to the counter to grab the envelopes. "Do you want me to pay some?" Harry follows me. "I'm okay. I'll be broke after, but I'll manage." I say. 

"Let me help. I feel useless, like I can't take care of you." Harry looks a bit upset.

"What if I don't want your help?"

"Then you don't care that I'm hurt!" Harry's voice rises. "I never said that!" I yell. "Do you even realize what we're arguing about?!"

Harry opens his mouth to speak, but closes it again to think. "Yeah. And it's stupid."

I finally calm down and sigh. "If it would make you happy, you can help me. I won't mind."

"I don't want us to be fighting about stupid shit."  Harry hugs me. I wrap my arms around his torso and breathe in his scent. "I shouldn't have been complaining about money."

"It's okay, Love. I'll pay your rent. Is that ok?" He asks. "Yeah... It was our first fight." I say.

"It just means we're a healthy couple." Harry tells me. "Very true." I laugh. "Oh, and guess what I got us?" Harry pulls out of the hug.


"Coldplay tickets."

"For tomorrow's show?" I ask. "Yeah, how did you know?" Harry says. "Well, I'm a fan, so I know where they are.." I laugh. "I'm still excited!"

"Good, Baby." Harry sits with me. "Can we have a serious conversation?"

"Of course." I turn my attention to Harry.

"Do you plan on going to college?"

"Yes. I'm thinking about which one's to apply to." I answer. "Do you want to stay in San Jose forever?" Harry asks. "No, I always wanted to move to England or Los Angeles." I say. "I would love to live in London.."


"Mhm. If I don't get into a college in California, then I'd like to move immediately." I tell him.

"Then that's what we'll do." Harry seems happy about my interest to move to London. Which is good. I smile in agreement, eager to see if we'll be moving.. I need to start applying!


"You told me you got tickets, not floor seats!" I yell, happily hugging Harry. "Surprise!" He laughs, leading me to our seats. Very few people have recognized Harry, which shocked him. I told him maybe it's because very few teens like One Direction and Coldplay.. I know we're going to love the concert, since we both loved the whole album they're touring for.

Us against the world, Don't let it break your heart, and of course one of Harry's favorites, Paradise, are just a few of their amazing songs.

There's another! I hope you enjoyed it.. The video I attached to the side, isn't mine. It was so hard just to choose one song to upload! Love you! <3 

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