Little Peanut (Niall)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

                “Do you need help finding anything?” the woman behind the counter asked as I walked in. I looked around and made sure there was no one else around. I sighed in relief when I realized I was the only one in the store.

                “Yes please. Can you tell me where I can find a pregnancy test?” I asked nervously.

                “Aisle four,” she said, pointing to the left.

                “Thank you,” I replied. I quickly made my way to aisle four and scanned all the pregnancy tests. The only one I recognized was First Response and it was because the commercials were always on television. “I guess this one is promising,” I said to myself, grabbing three of them. I quickly walked back to the counter and placed them in front of the woman at the register.

                “You sure you need all three?” she asked.

                “I need to be sure,” I explained.

                “Trust me, Sweetheart, your body will let you know, but if it makes you feel better, you can take all of them. Either way, the tests will either all say positive or negative,” she said. She rang me up and I handed her my credit card. The tests came out to sixty dollars and I cringed at how expensive they were.

                “Good luck, Sweetheart. No matter which result you get, you will be fine,” she said soothingly.

                “Thank you,” I said and grabbed the bag. I drove as fast as I could back to the house, but before I could go to the bathroom, my cell phone rang. It was Niall.

                “Hi,” I answered.

                “Hey, Baby. Are you feeling better?” he asked.

                “Yes, a lot better,” I replied.

                “Good. Try and get some rest today. Maybe go lay out on the bed and don’t eat anything too heavy.”

                “I’ll try. What are you up to?”

                “At the moment I am on a very short break. I’m about to go to have some food here if I have enough time.” he told me.

                “Really? Is the break really that short? You will get longer break with me. ” I saidwith a smirk.

                “Yeah, unfortunately, I just spend my break time to talk to you.” he said with a laugh. I heard someone call his name in the background. “All right, we’re about to start up. I’ll be home in a few hours. I love you!”

                “I love you, too. Good luck!” I exclaimed and hung up the phone. I stared at the offending bag of pregnancy tests and took a deep breath. “No time like the present,” I said to myself. I grabbed the bag and went into the bathroom. I saw that there were two tests per box and I decided to take all six. I hope I have enough pee for this. I peed on each stick for five seconds, pretty much forcing it out of me by the last two, and then set them on the counter for the dreaded three minute wait. I sat on the lid of the toilet, shaking and more nervous than I’d ever been in my entire life.

                “Please say negative,” I begged to the ceiling. I slowly stood up when my time had run out and quickly looked down at the sink. My knees almost buckled as I read the six tests, all with the same result; Positive. I sunk to the ground and buried my face in my hands. Shit. This can’t be happening! Not now! We’re not married and we’re too young! I can’t be a mother now! What about Niall’s career? He doesn’t have time for a kid now. Hell, I don’t have time for a kid now either! After freaking out for about five minutes, I threw all six tests in the garbage and quickly ran to the computer, Googling the closest OB/GYN. This can’t be right. They have to be false positives. I found an office two miles up the road and called them.

One Direction One Shots 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ