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I was only six at the time when the divorce happened,
and I didn't know why they were "breaking up."
My mom just had Nick and when my dad
left, he wanted him, not me. It was upsetting that
dad didn't want to raise me, but I was glad when
I got older. Almost half a year later, mom met Derek
and they got married. Never had any other kids. They
just raised me and I was happy. Every night I would lay
in bed, thinking about the last couple of years when
mom and dad were still together. Kyle, my father,
would always abuse my mother mentally and physically,
so my mom called it quits and got a divorce with him.
Did he ever get remarried and abuse his second wife?
Although I knew all too well that no woman would want
to be with him once they saw/heard what dad did
to mom. After they divorced, I overheard mom say to
him to never talk to me or her ever again. He obeyed,
but once my sixteenth birthday rolled around,
he broke that rule.   

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