New Life

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When Jiyong and I entered the after party, all the other BigBang members ran over and greeted us. Then I got crowded by questions about my wings. Callie: You guys I can't answer any questions if you don't allow me to speak!! Everyone: Mianhae..! Callie: It's okay. *sigh* Go ahead now, and one by one this time! Jiyong: What are you exactly?? Callie: Half Dragon." I then explained about the type thing and my "abilities". After I finished explaining everything, their jaws dropped. I laughed at seeing how surprised they were. SeungRi: So wait... Can you fly?? Callie: Uh-Huh, I said that before. Jiyong: You said there was another place you can teleport to?? Callie: Yea, I guess it's like another "dimension". DaeSung: Aish this is too much for me to take in.. Let's just go have fun!! Callie: Haha agreed! C'mon!" The rest of the night was filled with Dancing, laughing, and eating ;P

  =~=~=~= 7 Years Later... =~=~=~=
"Eomma, can we go to the Zoo today?? Callie: You'd have to ask your Appa, Jin. Jin: Okay!! Appaaaa? Jiyong: Yes Jin? Jin: Can we go to the zoo?? Jiyong: Of course we can. Jin: YAAAAY!!! I'm gonna get ready!!" I smiled as I watched our 5 year old son run to his room excitedly. I still couldn't believe that I was Married to G-Dragon. The fans were a little crazy at first, but they eventually loved us. We get almost no hate. I got up and went to the room Jiyong and I shared. I got dressed, put on a bit of makeup, brushed my hair and teeth and came back into the living room to see Jiyong and Jin messing around. Callie: C'mon you two freaks! Jiyong: Heyyy! I'm not a freak *pouts* Callie: Uh-Huh.. Jin: YAAAY Zoo time!!!" Jin ran out to our front yard and started running around excitedly. I laughed at his adorableness and walked out to the car. I helped Jin into the car and put on his seatbelt while Jiyong locked out front door and made his was down to the car. I got in the drivers seat and Jiyong got in the passengers seat.
=~=~=~=~= At the Zoo =~=~=~=~=
Jin: Eomma look at the lions!! There so cuuuute!! Callie: We've only been here for 5 minutes and your freaking out.. My gosh, your such an handful Jin! Jiyong: He got that energy from you. Callie: Oh so your saying I'm a handful?? Jiyong: Yup! Callie: Thanks.. Jin how about we go see your Appa's cousins??" Jiyong burst into laughter when I said that. We made our way to the lizard area while Jin was pointing out every single animal. The rest of the day was a lot of fun. Jin kept me and Jiyong busy, and by the time we were came home, he was passed out. Callie: I'll take Jin to his room, why don't you find a few movies to watch?? Jiyong: Awwww I wanted to put him to bed! Callie: Well too bad!" I put Jin in his bed and tucked him in. He was growing up so fast, even if he is only 5. It felt like just yesterday he was a baby... I closed his door slowly so I didn't wake him up, then I made my way downstairs. I sat beside Ji on the couch until he pulled me into his lap. Callie: Really.. Jiyong: Haha what?? Are we not aloud to cuddle?? Callie: We are, but I could've moved instead of you pulling me! Jiyong: Where's the fun in that??" I laughed at how cute Jiyong was being. Me and Him have come a LONG way. I remember back to when we first met.. That was so long ago, I can't believe we've been together for 11 years! Jiyong: Hey Callie?? Callie: Yea? Jiyong: Saranghae <3 Callie: Nedo Saranghae <3

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