My Birthday

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I woke up to the bright sunlight blinding me. I then remembered what happened last night. I didn't feel arms around me so I turned over to see if he was there, but he wasn't. I sat up to try and wake myself up better. I saw the door open and I smelt Bacon. I smiled knowing he was making breakfast for me. Then I remembered, I have school today! I walked out of his Jiyong's room and peaked around the corner into the kitchen. He had his back turned to me so I walked behind him giving him a back hug. He seemed surprised at first but then realized it was me. Jiyong: Morning Callie! Callie: Morning Ji, you do know I have school today right? Today's Wednesday. Jiyong: You don't have school today. I called your school and said your sick. And you can call me Oppa ;P Callie: You did what?! Aww.. ... Oppa you didn't have to do that :3 Jiyong: Haha yes I did. You don't deserve to go to school on your Birthday!" Just then I remembered, oh yea today's my birthday! Jiyong turned around to face me and took my hand, he put a necklace with a Locket in my hand. I looked at him in disbelief. Jiyong: *smiles* Happy birthday! Callie: Awwww Ji you didn't have to get me anything! Having you is allready enough! *kisses cheek* Jiyong: I did have to get you something! Your always saying such nice things. Plus, the Locket proves that your mine :P" I hugged him and let him keep making breakfast. I looked at the locket and the front had his name, "Jiyong". I chuckled at that. I opened it and it read, "Callie & Jiyong Forever <3 " Aish he's so sweet!  Just then I noticed my phone on the table buzzing, I looked at the Caller ID, it was my mom. Oh no I forgot to tell her where I was.. She's gonna kill me.. I picked it up, only to take it away from my ear so I wouldn't go deaf.. Mom: CALLIE WHERE ARE YOU ARE YOU OK?!? IVE BEEN SO WORRIED!!! Callie: Aish mom I'm fine, other than you making me deaf just now! One of my friends took me to a resturant yesterday night and we fought, he drove off leaving me to walk home alone. I was pulled into an alleyway and a guy was gonna knock me out but someone saved me. Mom: OH MY GOSH IM SO HAPPY YOUR OK!!! Where are you?? Do you know the man that saved you?! Callie: Mom stop freaking out geez! I do know the guy who saved me, I'm at his place. Mom: Wait.. Over night? He didn't do anything did he??- I blushed hearing Jiyong laugh at that. Callie: AISH MOM THATS THE SECOND TIME YOUVE EMBARRASSED ME INFRONT OF HIM REALLY?!? Mom: Sorry.. Wait, G-Dragon saved you? Oh my goodness honey you have to bring him over here sometime for me to meet him!! Callie: Aish I don't know, you'll probably embarrass me more.. Mom: I'll try not to..? Callie: Uh-huh.. TRY... You can meet him soon.. Not today. He said he wants to take me out since it's my Birthday. Mom: Okay, well come home soon! Don't be out too late, we want to spend some time with you on your birthday! Gosh I can't believe your an adult.. You grew up too fast! I wish your fa-- Callie: Okay I'll be home soon bye mom!" I hung up before she could say anything about my dad. I didn't want Jiyong knowing about that either.. He looked at me smiling and set down what he made. The rest of the day I spent with Jiyong, having the most fun ever! We went out to a restaurant, not to the one I went to last night, and he dropped me off at my house. He kissed me and let me go inside. I opened the door to see my mom smiling and jumping up and down. Mom: CAAALLIIEEEE G-DRAGON JUST KISSED YOU!!!!!! Are you two a thing?!? Oh my goodness!!!! Callie: Aish.. I wanted to surprise you.. But yes we are dating! He gave me this locket for my birthday, he's too sweet. Mom: AHHHHHH You are SOO cuuuuuute!!! My baby is growing up so faaassstt!!! Callie: Mom I can't breathe please let me go!! Mom: Sorry! I'm just so happyyyy!!!! Also Tia stopped my to give you a present." My mom gave me a beautiful silver watch. I quickly texted Tia thanking her for the watch. I looked up and I saw.. The most adorable little Calico Kitten in the world. I melted when I heard its meow. I took it from my moms arms and it didn't squirm. Mom: It's a girl. She's only 3 months old, I haven't named her so you can. Callie: Oh my gosh she's so cute!! Hmm.. I'll think of a name tomorrow!! I'm too excited to think right now!" I turned around to see Dante smiling like crazy. Dante: I made an appointment for you to get your hair dyed tomorrow, Purple fading to pink, just like you wanted. Callie: *gasp* YOU DID?! Oh my gosh thank you so so SO much Dante your the best!! Dante: I am.. Aren't I? Callie: Aish Dante! Stop being so full of yourself! Well I'm gonna go to bed, it's been a fun but tiring day." And with that I walked into my room and closed the door. I heard the cat meowing below me, so I picked her up and put her in my bed. She was happy, just like I was.

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