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I woke up earlier than normal because I had to pack my stuff to move to Seoul. I was so excited, I could accually spend more time with Jiyong. I got ready for the day and started packing a few of my belongings. I heard my phone ringing and I ran to it, and picking up not looking at the Caller ID. Callie: Hello? Jiyong: Hey Jagi! I was wondering how you were doing since you had that Asthma Attack yesterday. Callie: I feel fine, thanks. Jiyong: So what are you up to today?? Callie: I'm just packing some stuff for when I move. Oh yea I was wondering, do you live alone in Seoul or do the other Members live with you?? Jiyong: I live alone. Why do you ask? Callie: Pff okay, since you didn't get what I was asking.. Could I move in with you..?? Jiyong: Ohhhhh, don't you have a house or apartment? Callie: Uhh.. No, I was just gonna be in a hotel for a bit until I found a place I like.. Jiyong: Oh, well anyway, yea you can live with me if you want. Callie: YAAAY!! "*dante in the backround* CALLIE WHERE DID YOU PUT MY PHONE?!? I KNOW IT WAS YOU!" Uh oh.. Better lock my door. Jiyong: Haha did you steal his phone?? Callie: Maaaayyybe.. "*dante* CALLIE OPEN THIS DOOR! I KNOW YOU HAVE MY PHONE!!"""  I WILL NEVER OPEN THE DOOR! I think I should go before Dante kills me. Jiyong: Haha alright. Do you want any help?? Callie: Nahh I got it. Cya later, Saranghae. Jiyong: Know a bit of Korean eh? Nado Saranghae!" He hung up just as Dante burst through the door. Dante: CALLIE WHERE IS MY PHONE?!? Callie: I don't know... Dante: Callie!! Seriously just give me my phone! Callie: I.Dont.Have.It!" As I said that I bent down and gave Snowbell Dante's phone. She ran and Dante saw her with his phone and ran after her. Callie: TOLD YOU!!
   =~=~=~= Few hours later =~=~=~=
I finished packing my stuff, all that I had left in my room was a blanket, pillow, and mattress for the sleep tonight. I would be moving to Seoul tomorrow, and BigBang would be coming the day after that. I was so excited! My phone started ringing and I looked to see who it was. It was Travis.. I sighed and picked up the phone hesitantly. Callie: Hello?? Travis: Callie.. Please can we talk today?? Callie: I'm busy.. I'm.. Uh, I gonna go out and do stuff.. Travis: You can't lie to me Callie.. Please I want to talk to you! It's been awhile since I've seen you. I miss you.. Callie: Aish Travis.. If your trying to make me like you again it's not gonna work! Travis: Why are you with GD?! What does he have that I don't?! Fame? Money?? Callie: No! I wouldn't care if he was poor and had no fame what so ever!! I love him the way he is! His personality is cute, shy, and sweet, and he doesn't take advantage of his fame or money!! Travis: I can have that kind of personality! Callie please I've been with you for so long I don't want it to end like this!! Please can you just come ov-- Callie: NO!! I said no and I mean no! Goodbye Travis!" With that I hung up. For the rest of the day I just watched YouTube, since I kept my computer out. I talked with Dante and my Mom since I wouldn't be seeing them for awhile, then I went to bed a little earlier because the movers are coming around 10:30.
=~=~=~=~=~= Morning =~=~=~=~=~=
I was putting some boxes in the moving truck when I get a call from Ji. Jiyong: Hey Jagi! How are you?? Callie: I'm good! I'm just packing and putting stuff in the moving truck. I'm leaving at 2:30. Jiyong: What? Your moving today? Can I help?? Pwwweeaassee??? Callie: Aish.. Fiiiiine! Jiyong: Yaaaay!! I'll see you soon then! Saranghae! Callie: Nedo Saranghae.!" He hung up, and I went back inside to get another box. Either I took a long time other was close because when I went out I saw Jiyong. Callie: Woah how'd you get here so fast?? Jiyong: I was at the store over there *points literally across the street* Callie: Ohhh.. Well thank you for coming! You didn't have to though, I don't have a lot of stuff.. Jiyong: I wanna help anyway! I won't be seeing you for a day so.. I'll miss you.. Callie: It's only a day Ji! Don't miss me too much! By the way uhh.. Again I didn't get a hotel or anything so.. Do you mind if I go to your place..? I don't have a clue where it it but.. I mean it would help me settle in.. Jiyong: Hmm.. Fine.. But don't touch anything! Don't go in my room either! The guest bedroom is up the stairs, second door to the left. I'll text you my address knowing you'll probably forget. Callie: And how do you expect me to get in..?? Jiyong: Uhh.. I-I'll go get a key cut for you.. Callie: What? You don't trust me with your house keys??? ;P Jiyong: Nope! Callie: Oh thanks, that's nice to know.. *walks away* Jiyong: No wait I didn't mean it in that way!! Mianhae!! Callie: Hmph!" I wasn't accually mad at Ji, I just wanted to get his keys :P I walked in the house, grabbed another box, and walked out ignoring Jiyong on the way until he finally gave in as I put the box in the moving truck. Jiyong: Aish ok ok I'll give you MY house keys.. Mianhae! Callie: *takes keys* YAAAAAY!! Thank you Oppa!! *smirks* Jiyong: *sigh* Your wel--- Wait a minute.. HEY YOU GET BACK HERE!!" I ran into my house but, ofcourse, he caught up to me and attacked me with tickles. I was on the couch basicly dieing.
Callie: Ahhh..!!!! J-Ji.. Yong..!! S-..stop!! *laughing* Jiyong: Haha take that! I'm gonna help you now. Callie: Aish.. GOOD!" After that incident.. I finally got all the moving boxes in the truck. I had to get going because my Plane was gonna take off soon and I didn't want to be late. I said my Goodbyes to my Family and I kissed Jiyong and waved. The moving truck followed me to the Airport. After awhile I finally got on the plane, I put my headphones on and awaited the long trip to Seoul.

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