New Enemey?

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I woke up to Snowbell on top of me. "Snowbell can you get off?? Looks like someone's Jealous of this adorable kitten, eh?" I got up and got ready for school. "Finally Friday's here! Only 2 weeks and schools out, the pressure's killing me!" I thought. I started walking to school, when yet again Jiyong scared me, on purpose this time. Jiyong: Hayy Cal! Callie: Aish!! Oooppaaaa whyyyy! Stop scaring me.. Jiyong: Aww sorry, I just came to ask of you wanted to come over? The whole group will be there, and I know DaeSung really wants you to come. Callie: Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm free so i'd love to- Wait.. Will TOP be there..? He seems to hate me now.. His jealousy is getting the better of him.. Jiyong: Oh right.. Well it's ok, the rest of us will talk some sense into him if he try's to hurt you! Callie: *sigh*.. Fiiiine.. :3 Jiyong: Yaaaaaay! *hug* Callie: Aish, let go of me! I'm already late! Jiyong: Okayy! Have a good day! Callie: I'll try.."
  =~=~=~=~= After School =~=~=~=~=
After a long day of work and bullies, I finally got home and just fell on the couch, not wanting to move. I heard my phone Ding and I remembered I was going over to Jiyong's. Jiyong: So what time do you want to come over at? Callie: Umm.. Can I come over now..? Jiyong: Of Course! Callie: Okay, I gotta get ready so I'll be over in a few." I went to get ready and get my keys when I noticed they were gone. "What? I left them on the table this morning, where did they go?" I thought. Just then I heard a jingle in the kitchen, when i walked in I saw my Kitten playing with them. "Aish, you silly kitten! You can't drive, give those back to me! *lightbulb :P* Hm.. I think I'll name you Bella!" She meowed when I said that and I finally got my keys back.  I drove over to the hotel Ji was staying at and parked. I went up the elevator, hoping TOP wouldn't open the door.. I guess my luck was with me their, because Ji opened the door and instantly hugged me. Jiyong: Callie! I'm happy you could come! SeungRi: CAAALLIIEEE!!! Help DaeSung keeps beating me at this one game! And woah did you dye your hair?? Callie: What game? And yes. SeungRi: It's called Just Dan- Callie: WAIT WHAT JUST DANCE?!? IM IN!!" DaeSung: Callie! Haha you coming to help SeungRi? I'm pretty good :P Callie: Oh I'll beat you in the matter of 2 seconds!! What one is this? DaeSung: 2016 Unlimited. So it has all of them. Callie: Great! Stadium Flow, I beat everyone at this one! By the way Ji where is Taeyang and.. HIM..? Jiyong: Taeyang is coming with TOP right now accually. Callie: Ugh.. I kinda hoped HE wouldn't come.. SeungRi: He? What do you mean?" Ji explained what happened with me and TOP as I rekt DaeSung :P Callie: HA! Beat you! SeungRi: YAAAY!! Thank you Callie!! Callie: Haha no problem SeungRi!" *knock* *knock* Jiyong: That's probably them. Callie: Ugh great.. I wanna play against SeungRi, let's do Ieven Polkka! SeungRi: NOOOOO that songs embarrassing!! Callie: So you'd rather do Chiwawa? SeungRi: Okay never mind let's do the first one! Callie: That's what I thought! TOP: Hey Jiy- .. What is SHE doing here? Callie: Hm? Oh Hi Mr.Rude! I was surprised when you left me to walk alone in the rain an hour away from my house! Your lucky Jiyong was around, I almost got killed my some Phsycopath in an alley! -.- DaeSung: WHHAATTT?!? TOP THAT IS SO RUDE WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! Callie: Oh he's just Jealous of me and Ji so he hates me now, thanks again! -.- Alright now c'mon I wanna beat and make fun of SeungRi! SeungRi: Aish! Ruuuuude!!" DaeSung started making dinner while we all.. Well.. While ALMOST the rest of us played Just Dance. I beat them all ;P Jiyong: Aish! Again really? Why are you so good at this?? :P Callie: Uh, because I practice? Duh.. Aish, I'm hot now... Jiyong: Then pull your sleeves up! Callie: Eh? Oh uh.. N-no.. I think I just need some fresh air..." I walked out onto the balcony for some fresh air.. And to think.. "Should I tell him about the thing I do? Aish I don't want him to worry though.. But.. Maybe he could help..? But, he might also start to be over protective.. AISH brain pick what to do and do it! There all here so now would be a good time..." I then felt someone hit my RIGHT arm and instantly I grabbed my arm. It hurt so much, I looked up and saw TOP smirking. Callie: W-what do you want... TOP: I slightly hit your arm, why are you acting like it hurt a lot? You baby.. Callie: Excuse me..?? It did hurt a lot! Go back inside please and get out of my personal space!! TOP: I said, your a baby. How the heck did that hurt a lot?? Wow you must be really weak.. I guess all-- *SLAP*" I slapped him as hard as I could with my left arm, and still holding onto my right arm walked inside and jumped on the couch. I know they all heard that, they seemed worried. Jiyong: Callie are you ok?? What did TOP do?? Callie: *sigh*... I guess it's now or never for me to tell you guys..Jiyong: Tell us what?? Callie: T-this...

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