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I woke up in the morning to remember it's Sunday.. I groaned and said "I have school tomorrow.. ugh, I CANT waaaiiiittt.. Soo excited.. -.-" And with that I layed back down and wanted to stay there forever. But as always, I got interupted, Drago teleported in my room and said now was the time for me to train for the Time stopping power. "UGGGH DRAGOOOO!! Wwhhhhyyyyy noowwww in SOOO tireddd!" "You wanted to change the time, deal with what time I gave you and be happy your even learning this." "Fiiiiiiine! Let me get dressed. I'll be there in a few.." "Good." He teleported off and I sluggishly got up and dressed. I then teleported to Mythandria, yet again quietly singing Fantastic Baby. "*sigh*.. I'm gonna text Dae and see if I can go over at some time today... I don't think this song will get out of my head otherwise.." I had to ask Drago what time I'd be done Training though, as always. Drago is like.. He feels like my dad.. Oh wait I haven't said anything about that have I?? Hmm.. No I haven't, I guess I'll tell ya! When I was 8, my dad was in the hospital with a horrible disease, and he couldn't speak. One day when we came, the nurse was talking to my mom and my mom started to burst out crying, an di automatically knew what that ment. My dad had either died, or he's going to. The nurse said that he could only say 1 sentance to the both of us because she did something, I couldn't hear. We went in and he started making the longest sentance ever for my mom. Then.. He looked at me and said, "Cal, I'll always be here for you no matter what, stay strong.. I love you" I cried so much after that.. Alright let's stop talking about this so I start crying.. "Hey Drago, when will training be done today??" "Uhh, depends how long you wanna keep staring at your phone for.." "Oh whoops.. Heh, let's start now then!" =~=*Few hours later*=~= It went from being 9:42, to 2:36 and I finally knew how to stop time, well.. Kinda :P "Can I go home now?? I need sleeeep!" "Haha, yea you can. Cya Cal, tell Snowbell I miss her ;P " "Haah I will! Ciao!" I teleported home, and instead of sleeping, though I really wanted to, I texted Dae asking about me coming over. "Hey Dae! I was wondering if I could come over today?? I got like no sleep, plus my mom made me run around the block for like 2 hours.. -.- I need a break..." He texted back right as I turned my phone off. I thought to myself "Woah, that was a little too fast.." "Lemme ask the others! I'm pretty sure SeungRi is going Clubbing again and I don't know who's going with him. One sec!" He texted me back 6 minutes later "Alright, it would be just You, me, and Jiyong, that ok??" "Yea, what time?" "Whenever you feel like it :P " "Oh ok, I'll be over soon then!" "I can pick you up if you want..?" "No it's ok, I've been running all day and I don't want my laziness to catch up with me :P Just text meh your address" Dae texted the address and I started walking. "Ugh almost an hour away.. This is what I get for wanting to walk.." "HEY CAL!" "Huh??" I turned around to see Travis running up to me. "Oh hey Travis!" "Where you headin off to?? You need a ride?" "I'm going over to see Dae and Jiyong, and no I'm good. I can walk." "O-oh.. Your seeing them again?" "That's 3 days in a row you've seen them!" "So? They have there concert of Teusday and their leaving on wensday, I want to see them as much as I can!" "Grr.. Well if any of them try and make a move day your not single, because you aren't.." "Wha?" "We went on a date yesterday, were dating now aren't we..?" "O-oh yea right.. Yea" "Okay good! Cya tomorrow then!" He kissed my cheek again, and left. I thought "Do I really want to date him..? He seems a bit, over protective. And.. My crush on him is starting to drift away.. I mean I could date someone from BigBang. Nonono that will never happen.. *sigh* oh well.." As I was walking I saw a huge black Limousine that was parking infront of a Night Club. "That's deffinitly SeungRi" I accidentally said outloud, no one heard me though. I saw SeungRi, Taeyang, and TOP get out, I noticed that SeungRi saw me and, of course, he waved, making the others wave back. I waved and Sengri yelled "WHERE ARE YOU GOING??" I yelled back "TO YOUR HOUSE DUH, DID DAE NOT TELL YOU??" They all seemed surprised and a little dissapointed and annoyed, but they've allready drive out and we're excited to go Clubbing so they couldn't back down now. "NO HE DIDNT, OH WELL HAVE A GOOD TIME I GUESS" I saw TOP wink and me and I quickly looked back to where I was walking, now blushing while shivers went down my spine.. "Never looking at him again.." After about a half an hour of walking, I made it to the address. I saw Dae waiting outside the gates of a huge house. "Hey Call!! I'm so happy you wanted to come!" He gave me a huge hug and was smiling a lot. I smiled back, because it's hard not to with Dae's smile :P "This place if huge.." "Well, we need a big house for the five of us! Come on in, Jiyong's in his room writing lyrics or something." As I walked in, I felt like I was in a huge fancy store, there were paintings everywhere, the furniture looked to expensive. Everything looked like that! "Woah, okay I'm jealous now :P" "Haha! This is only a temporary house, we decided to get one here since we would be coming more often!" "Wha? Why's that? You never come to Canada!" "Haha because now we have an awesome friend in Canada!" I could tell I was blushing when I thanked him. Then, having to make the first akwardness sprout.. Dae asked.. "Um.. Just wondering, not asking m-myself! D-do you have a.. B-boyfriend..?" Ugh DaeSung why make it akward? I thought.. I had to answer soon or he would think I was lieing..

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