4 Years Later... ;P

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It's been almost 4 and a half years since BigBang left. Throughout the year, I "graduated" High School, and today I'm accually Graduating from collage. I studied Baking and Cooking since I loved to do that, and I was allready pretty good at it. Me and Jiyong stopped calling so frequently awhile ago. I still get the occasional "Good morning" or something... I've almost completely stopped Cutting too, collage is SO much better than High School. My Half Dragon Status is rising ALOT! Drago said in the next month or two I could be the Crystal Dragon, the strongest Dragon out of the Phsycic and Ice ones. I watched as Tia walked up and get her Degree. She talked and thanked everyone in her life, including me, and she then walked off stage. I then heard my name and I walked up happily. I got my degree, and thanked everyone that was in my life, and walked off stage to meet with Tia and my family. As I suspected, my mom was Crying. Mom: Oh my goodness you are growing up too fast!! If only your father was here to see you! Callie: Yea.. I wish dad was here to see this.. Oh and great job Tia, surprised you didn't stutter up there! Tia: Pfff like I would do that.. Callie: Yea you would." *ding* I looked at my phone and smiled when I was Ji text me. Jiyong: Hey Callie! Do you mind coming to the Airport right now..?? ;P" My heart skipped a beat when I read that.. Is Ji back?? Callie: Why?? And I might be able to. Jiyong: If it isn't allready obvious, we're all coming back today! We get off our Flight in half an hour, though it probably won't be that exactly." Right then I completely flipped out jumping up and down yelling "JIYONGS COMING BACK!" A lot of people were staring at me like I was crazy, while my Mom, and Dante were smiling. Tia was Jumping with me and yelling. Callie: You have no idea how many people are staring at me thinking I'm crazy right now!! Ill be there as fast as possible!! Jiyong: Haha why are people staring at you?? Callie: I may or may not have been jumping and yelling excitedly... Jiyong: Glad your excited to see me! I've been excited the whole month knowing I'll be able to see you today. I've missed you so much! Callie: I've missed you too! Getting in my car, again I'll be there ASAP!! Jiyong: Alright, drive safe!" The entire drive to the airport was me blasting BigBang songs and trying not to crash from how excited I was to see them all again! I know I would throw myself into Ji's arm strait away.
=~=~=~=~= At the Airport =~=~=~=~=
I walked in and saw that their plane arrived a 12 minutes ago, I made my way to the Luggage place and then I saw Jiyong. Trying not to freak out again, I just smiled and ran over to him. As if on cue, he just happened to look my way, he smiled and stood up. Like I said before, I literally threw myself into his arms. Callie: Haaaiiiii Oppa!! Its so good to see you again!! Jiyong: Hey Jagi! It's good to see you too!! I see your cuteness hasn't gone down ;P Callie: *blushes* Aish why can't I ever come up with any good comebacks whenever you say something like that..! DaeSung: Caaaallliiieeee!!!!!" I heard Dae yell my name and I looked behind Ji, Dae came running twards me and hugged me happily. SeungRi heard DaeSung and ran over and did the same thing. Taeyang saw me, he smiled and waved. When TOP looked over, he walked over and hugged me, apologizing for the thing before. Callie: I told you it's fine!! SeungRi: Speaking of that thing you do.. Do you still do it?? Callie: Well.. No not really. Collage didn't have many bullies that got on my nerves so, I've been about 3 years clean. DaeSung: When are you Graduating?? Callie: I Graduated today accually! When Ji texted me I was in the middle of talking with Tia. SeungRi: Awwwww we missed itttt! Callie: The only thing you missed was me making people think I was crazy when Ji said you guys were coming back! TOP: You got excited to see us..? Callie: Well duh!! Other than Jiyong you guys are like brothers to me! Jiyong: HA! I'm special! SeungRi: I'm nothing MORE than a brother?? Ehhh? Jiyong: *smack* SeungRi: OWWWW! Hyuuuuuunnggg! Jiyong: You brought that to yourself! Taeyang: Guys found our luggage!" They all went over to get their luggage, it looked like they had more than before! I'm SO happy I brought my car with a Huge trunk.. I lead them to my car and on my way back to the same Hotel they said they booked, I said something I was SUPER excited to tell them! Callie: Oh yea! Almost forgot the surprise I have! Everyone: Hm? Callie: I'm moving to Seoul! I got a job there and the Manager said I can move there as soon as I can! Jiyong: WHHAAATTTT?!?!?- Callie: Yah Ji!! Don't yell when I'm driving! Jiyong: Sorry!! But seriously?!? Callie: Why would I joke about that kind of thing?? Jiyong: I dunno, and that's awesome!! SeungRi: Yea it is!! More time I can spend with you to make you fall in love with me ;P TOP: *smack* SeungRi: OWWW Hyuuuuunnggg! Whyyyy!!! Jiyong: Thank you TOP!" The rest of the drive was SeungRi getting slapped, us laughing, and talking about what happened in the 4 years we were apart. I dropped them all off at the Hotel, telling them I had to go back home. I waved to them and drove back to the house. I opened the door, and I was greeted by Snowbell. I went to my room and did something on my computer, I noticed I had been on my computer for the past 3 hours, so I went to the Backyard and played Fetch with Snowbell. After a bit, I went back inside, watched TV for a few hours, and went to bed happily.

Half Dragon DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon