Finally Together

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I woke up and looked at the clock. "11:48.. How did I sleep that long? I wasn't even tired.." I thought. Then I heard a doorbell, me being dumb and not thinking of the time difference, I raced downstairs thinking it was Jiyong. I opened the door, and when I saw the gaurd I sighed, remembering he said he would get ON the plane around 11:30. He would be back sometime around 5:30. Callie: Oh Hello! What would you like??" The gaurd seemed a little shocked that I spoke in English, but he quickly caught on and talked in English. Apperently Gaurds should know a lot of languages just in case of emergencies.
Gaurd: There's a man outside, with a moving truck. He's asking for Callie, is that you?? Callie: Yes it is! And finally, I've been waiting for him to arrive. Gaurd: Hold on now, why is it here?? Callie: I'm moving in with Jiyong. I thought you would catch on since I came here with a suitcase, and Jiyong agreed I could come in, and there's now a moving truck out there. But okay.. Gaurd: I need to get permission from Jiyong first before I let you bring stuff in. Callie: Oh you don't trust me?? Well.. I guess Gaurds arent support to trust me, but if Jiyong let me into his house, how do you not catch on that I'm moving here?? Why do you desperately need HIS aprooval?? Don't you think he would get annoyed at you calling him about basicly the same thing as yesterday?? Plus he's probably just starting to fall asleep on the plane. Gaurd: ....... Go on.." I smiled when I seemed to of beat the gaurd. I walked down the path and I happily greeted the mover. I started to get my boxes and bring them in, one gaurd following me and the mover, one standing gaurd outside the gates. "They really don't trust me...??" I thought. Oh well, they'll trust me eventually. Once all my boxes were inside I walked back out to the Movers truck and I payed him, plus a tip. He thanked me, but he gave me the tip back. I insisted and after a few minutes of us pushing the tip back and forth, he gave in and thanked me again for being so kind. I waved and he drove off, I walked back in the house and took my stuff into my bedroom. I ordered some stuff too so I had ALOT to put away..
=~=~=~= Time Skip ( again ) =~=~=~=
It took me 3 and a half hours just to put away my stuff, it took me another hour and a half to put together the stuff I ordered. I got a Standing Desk, which is basicly a desk that moves up and down, I got some lights that are attached to Siri, so I can change the colour to them. I got 3 computers that I attached to the standing desk, and I got parts to build my own PC. I know how to do it because one of my friends taght me how, he wanted to become Computer Technician. I'm just doing this because it doesn't cost as much as buying some crappy ( whoops, I let that one slip :P ) PC's. I got a Razor Keyboard and Mouse, with the mouse pad. The last thing I got was a Microphone, with one of those things that make the Audio better. I got halfway through and the I heard the doorbell again. Thinking it was a gaurd again, I sluggishly made my way downstairs. I opened the door, and my face instantly lighting up when I saw Jiyong. Callie: What d-- Jiyong hey!! *hug* Jiyong: Hey Cal! I see you got through my Gaurds! Callie: Uh-Huh! I also beat one in an arguing contest :P Jiyong: Woah what?? How did you do that?? I might have to make you a gaurd... Callie: No don't do that!" I then explained how I argued with the Gaurd about the whole moving thing. Jiyong put his stuff down and before I could react he attacked me with tickles again. Callie: AHHH!!! Jiyong!! What.. Did I do now?!" I said I between laughing. Jiyong: You went into my room that's what you did!" After I finally got out of THAT.. I went back into my room to keep building the PC. I didn't notice Jiyong at the door until he talked to me surprised. Jiyong: Woahh.. What the heck happened to this room? Callie: Huh?? Oh nothing. Just organized my stuff, and build this desk. I'm building a PC for the 3 monitors right now. It's WAY cheaper. I also got some lights that change colours, Siri's attached to it. Here I'll show you. "Siri, change light colour to Blue." The lights went blue and Jiyong just looked at me, speachless as to what I was capable of. I just smiled and put the lights back to normal and kept building my PC. =~= I think another hour went by when I finally finished building the PC, and attaching everything to the Computers. I went out of my room for a break seeing Jiyong at a desk writing. I knew he was writing lyrics so I sat on the couch and watched him. He didn't seem to notice me so I crept up behind him and scared half to death. Callie: HAI JIYONG!!! Jiyong: AISH! Oh my god Callie DONT DO THAT!! You almost gave me a heart attack! Callie: Ah I love revenge! By y'know what I love more?? Food, and you have none of that. I've been feeding off chips and I finished them this morning, I'm starving!! Jiyong: You don't love me more than food..?? Callie: Nope, now let's go get some!!! Jiyong: Pff, ruuuude!! Callie: Aish Oppaaaa!! Please I'm starving.. Literally!!" I jumped on his lap and said that in my best Cute Voice. He gave in almost strait away and got up to get food. Callie: Yaaaaay!! Thank you Jii!! Jiyong: Yea your welcome, briber.. Now what do you want?? You probably have no idea what we eat here. Callie: Nope. No idea, you know what I like, just get something you think I would like. Even if I hate it I'm starving so I'll eat anything, well.. Almost anything!! Jiyong: Haha alright then." He then went out, and I walked back upstairs. I started setting up my computers. If you haven't noticed allready, I'm setting up to be a YouTuber. If that doesn't work then I'll just find some other job. I know being a YouTuber is hard, and you have to put a lot of effort into it, but I'll use all the power I have to make it work! I'm making it so I have a good setup, good audio, good everything so I'll have a good first impression on YouTube. I started getting a lot of games, then I though about getting a FaceCam eventually... This whole YouTube thinking made me loose track on time, and when I heard the door open the first thing I thought of, which I also yelled at the top of my lungs, was "Food". I raced downstairs to see Jiyong laughing at me for being so desperate for food. He started making something and when he was done I ate so quickly, somehow not making a mess or making a fool out of myself. After I finished I felt like I would be full for weeks. It was 10:36pm and I decided to go to bed because I was somehow really tired. Probably from building and working all day. I went in my room, jumped on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

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