An old friend/..Crush..

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Even though I loved my life before, I couldn't ask for anything different now that I can look forward to going to Mythandria after school! The second I got home, snowbell jumped on me happily, "Woah Snowbell! Haha I missed you too!" Snowbell licked my face, then got off me with her tail wagging beyond Controll. My mom got off work early today, so she was home. "Hey Cal, how was school?" "Good! Though I almost fell asleep in science, Mr. Lendfore is SO boring!" "He's not that boring! Now what would you like for dinner?? It's almost 5:30" "Oh uhh.. I-I'm going out with Tia for dinner accually.." "Oh.. Ok, what time will you be home?" "Uhhhh.. I don't know.." "Why are you stuttering?? Cal.. Your not lieing are you??" WHAT? Of course not! Last time I did that you said I wouldn't get a cat for another 6 months! And by the way it's been 5 months.. The second 6 months is up, I'm getting a cat!" "Haha, sure Cal sure.. Now you best be on your way! Have fun, and don't spend too much money!" "I won't, Cya mom!" I quickly ran outside, looked to see if anyone was watching, and teleported to Mythandria.. Once I got there, I went infront of King Phycin's castle, which is where Drago told me to meet him, and I think I was a bit late, because Drago seemed like he had been waiting a long time.. "Hey Drago! Hope I didn't make you wait too long! My mom talks WAYY too much.." "Nahh it's fine.. I've only been waiting for about 10 minutes, and I think you know I train more than one person right??" "Well duh.." "Well someone just happened to come here around 12:00 and become Half Dragon, we didn't want to bother you since you were up half the night and you were just Half Dragon'ed." "Awwww... How dare you.. ;P Well keep going then.." "Heh.. Well he has the same training time, soo.. I hope that's alright??" "Yea that's fine, as long as he's not rude, and what's is his name??" "Oh he's not rude, and his name is Travis. "W-Wait.. Travis?!? L-last name??" " ??? Uhh.. Dellon, why??" ".... O.M.G.. I THINK IM GOING TO DIE... Nononono... WHERE IS HE..?!?" "Woah woah why are you so scared??" "IM NOT SCARED AND NO REASON JUST TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!!!" "Ok ok geez.. He's over there.." Drago pointed near the training area, then I saw him.. With the exact same hair he had before.. A faint blueish green... It's been 6 years.. But he's still as cute as he was before....

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