Meeting the King, and Life begins

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As we entered the castle, I got more and more nervous the closer I got to the King.. "King Phycin, I got her.." "Wonderful! Callie, how are you on this beautiful night??" U-uhhh.. I'm good.. Other than the huge hole in my parents roof I'm fine!.." "Drago.. What did I tell you about breaking into houses, literally?" "Sorry sir.. I'm still working on that.." "Haha its ok, just work harder! Now Callie, I'm guessing Drago told you were turning you half dragon??" "Yes he did, and I'm excited and nervous right now.." "Don't be nervous! Now, about your dog. Obviously we can't make a dog Half Dragon, and since this is your first time here, we'll allow it this time, but no animals allowed here ok?" "Oh.. Umm.. May I ask why??" Snowbell was looking at me, and she seemed sad she couldn't stay. "*sigh*... That is personal information, I'm very sorry. Snowbell looks very sweet but I just can't allow her here from now on." "*sigh*.. Ok.. Sorry Snow.." She let out a whimper that sounded like a sigh.. I feel bad for her, but I guess rules are rules... I don't want to loose this opportunity, so I didn't want to argue. "Alright, come up here Callie, you'll be Half Dragon soon" King Phycin's castle started to fill up fast, and in the matter of 3 minutes, every Phsycic Half Dragon was in the castle.. "Welcome everyone! Tonight, we are all here to make Callie, a Half Dragon!" Once he said my name, everyone was cheering, and I could tell they were happy about me being here... "Settle down! Remember, peace and quiet, we've done this many times before." Then, dead silence, King Phycin spread his wings out, and started to glow. The next thing I know I'm glowing and I can start to see an outline of Wings behind me. This.. "Ceremony", went on for around 15 minutes, then everyone started cheering, I opened my eyes and... I couldn't even express how happy I was...

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