Telling the Fandom about Us

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When I woke up I looked at the time, it was 11:30am. I picked up my phone and saw that Jiyong texted me. Jiyong: Morning! Meet me at the Cafe across your street at 12:00?? Or just text me whenever you wake up, I know your probably gonna sleep in." I texted him back quickly. Callie: I'll be there ASAP!" I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to shower. I then got dressed. I picked up my phone and turned it on, it was 12:07. I ran outside and across the street to the Cafe. I saw Ji instantly and walked over. Callie: Hey Ji! Jiyong: Hm? Oh Hey! Glad you came! Callie: Why wouldn't I? Jiyong: I dunno.." I sat down and ordered a coffee. Jiyong: So.. I think we should tell the fans about us.. Callie: Are you sure..?? I'm ok with it.. Jiyong: Yea I'm sure.." Ji asked for a selfie with me, he then posted it on Instagram saying "This is the girl of my dreams. I hope you guys can accept her, because I don't know what I'd do without her. <3" Callie: Awww Ji! Your too sweet! Jiyong: *blushes* Well, I do try." I started looking at the comments, lots and lots of hate like "Why her?" "She's a commoner, why?" I then posted a comment saying "Hey guys! I am the girl with Ji right now, and I wanted to say, I've been through a lot. I've been bullied since Grade 3, and I started cutting in grade 4. Once Jiyong came around, my life turned from hell, to heaven. I know all you haters are just Jealous and you want me to break up with him but, that won't happen. So hate all you want, I don't care. And everyone that supports me, you are the best people in the world! Also, my names Callie, I hope you all can accept us eventually!" Some girls ran up to us, and I guessed they were fans. I hoped they were the nice fans, and luckily, my hoping turned to reality. Fans: Ohh myyy GOSH! You two are so cute together! How long have you kept the secret?!? And can I have your Autograph?! Callie: Well.. About 4 years ago is when we started dating, but it's technicly only been like 2 weeks because Ji had to go back to Seoul and we spent no time together. I will be coming to Seoul soon though." The rest of the day was me and Jiyong spending time together. We came to a few encounters with fans, but it wasn't bad. We went out for dinner, then he dropped me off at home. I walked to my bedroom but I got a sudden pain in my lungs, and it got hard to breathe. I quickly took out my Inhaler and used it. "Wow.. Haven't had any Asthma attack in awhile.. Though that wasn't really an "attack".." I thought. I heard my phone ringing so I picked up my phone and looked at the Caller ID. It was DaeSung. I picked it up and Greeted him. Callie: Hello? DaeSung: Hey Callie!! I saw that you and Hyung told the fans about your relationship! Callie: Oh yea, we did. Is that what you called about? DaeSung: Haha nope! I was wondering if you wanted to come to an arcade with me and a few of the guys?? Taeyang and TOP can't come, Taeyang has Dance Practing and TOP has some art thing to go to.. Callie: Oh sure! I'd love to come. DaeSung: Great!! How about at 2:00 tomorrow?? Callie: Alright! See ya tomorrow Dae! DaeSung: Okay! Byyeee~!" He hung up and I got ready for bed, and I fell asleep pretty quickly.

Sorry for another short Chapter, i just couldn't think of anything ;P

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