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Callie: Y-Yes!!" I said while happily crying waterfalls. Jiyong slipped the ring on my finger and hugged me. We were finished at the resturant and so we went home. Jiyong suggested we watched movies and I agreed. We cuddled and watched a few movies, though I fell asleep during the 3rd one.
=~=~=~=~=~= 8:30am =~=~=~=~=~=
I sleepily turned my alarm off and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom to shower and brush my hair. I then got dressed and went onto my computer. I was doing a Parkour Race in Minecraft with my friend Preston today. I went on Skype and told him I was awake and ready to record, and he replied back agreeing. After a bit of recording, and he somehow beating Preston at the parkour coarse, I started editing the video when Jiyong startled me with a back hug. Callie: Aish Jiyong I told you before, stop scaring me like that! Jiyong: Haha sorry! I'm going to YG right now, wanna tag along so I can brag about you being my Soon-to-be-Wife?? :3 Callie: Haha alright, just a second. Let me save this." I saved the editing I did and I followed Jiyong outside to his car. We drove off to YG, and Jiyong wouldn't stop talking! We made it to the YG building and Ji FINALLY stopped talking. We walked in and I followed him to BigBang's practicing room. The other members greeted him, once they saw me they stood up and hugged me. Callie: Aish you guys.. I can't breathe! Everyone: Mianhae! Callie: Its okay.. Oh yea Jiyong, you wanna tell them why you brought me here?? Jiyong: YES!! I would!! *grabs my hand and shows the engagement ring* WERE GETTIN MARRIED!!!!!" Everyone but SeungRi congratulated Jiyong and I. SeungRi: Awwww.. Does that mean I can't flirt with you anymore..?? Callie & Jiyong: *smack* SeungRi: Owwww!! Mianhae.. *pouts*
=~=~= After Dance Practice =~=~=
Jiyong bragged to everyone about me the entire day. When we got back into the car to go home, he again wouldn't stop talking. Callie: Sorry to cut you off but seriously Jiyong, save your voice for singing! You've been talking literally ALL day! Jiyong: Oh.. Mianhae.. Callie: It's fine.." When we got home, Ji put on a movie and asked me a "weird" question. Jiyong: Hey Callie?? Callie: Yea? Jiyong: I know this is probably a question I should be asking later but.. Umm.. D-do you want.. K-kids..?? Callie: *stares* You really know how to make things akward don't you?? Jiyong: Heh.. Yea.. Sorry.. Callie: No need to be sorry. And LATER ON.. I would like to have a kid.. But not now, I don't think you could take that responsibility right now *smirks* Jiyong: Heyyy I could!!! *pouts* Callie: Uh-Huh.." After the movie was done, I went strait to bed because it was allready 1:38pm.
Sorry this Chapter was so short. This was basicly just a chapter to link the last few ones together...

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