Chapter XVIII ~ Misty ~ A day to remember

Start from the beginning

We'd waited for this. I kissed back, eagerly and with sheer joy. I moved my arms from around his neck to wrap around his body, and embraced him. Ian stroked my long hair and held the back of my neck in his hands.

We continued kissing, softly but passionately. Neither of us wanted to stop. All I felt was pure... love. My heart was thumping out of my chest and I had butterflies of nervous happiness.

We were in the open and I knew we should either stop or go somewhere quieter, as much as I hated to halt our confession and kissing session. It had been over a week since we had that awkward moment whilst watching Ted. The awkwardness from that had totally disappeared since then. We were like best friends... but I now knew he had been trying to kiss me...

Ian liked me...

I pulled away, hoping that Ian would still be loving me, and that this wasn't a daydream. He looked at me with his crystal eyes of trust, and I took his hand, believing him. I wanted to carry on kissing him, but I knew we couldn't do it in the centre of the convention. I spotted a small hallway behind the last row of dealer stalls, and tugged Ian's arm, beckoning him to come with me.

We curved round so we were no longer in view, and I didn't hesitate to smash my lips against Ian's, and he accepted them, to my relief. He held me tightly in his arms and I felt secure, wanted, loved. For once in my life, loving had gone right, and my huge crush, admiration and fucking love of Ian that I'd tried to hide and bottled up inside had been released, and was now free.

Ian's stubble brushed against my chin, to my delight, and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

The reality of what was happening gradually hit me. Ian actually loved me back- and he'd confessed it. It wasn't a one way thing, not at all. A guy loved ME for once in my life, and it wasn't any old guy. It was Ian, the cutest, most hilarious, hysterical and hot guy I'd ever met. He was mine, he was actually mine. And I adored him.

I loved him.

I opened my eyes and saw Ian, eyes closed, his soft hair brushing against his eyebrows. I couldn't help but stroke it in my free hand, savouring every second of this long-awaited kiss.

The kiss seemed to last forever, but despite this, ending it seemed sad. However, I knew that we needed to talk, as much as I wanted to press my lips against Ian's until the sky crashed down and the world came to an end, I knew it was time. This time Ian broke the kiss. I opened my eyes properly and Ian was smiling, wider than he ever had before.

'I think I love you too, Ian,' I professed, and giggled. 'But you probably worked that out, ages ago. You're...'

Ian stopped me.

'Misty, you are the most beautiful, funny and cute girl I've ever met. I knew you were since that time I managed to drench you in water. I hoped we'd become friends, which obviously more than came true. But secretly, I knew I liked you more than that. A lot more than that. And finally we're here... and...'

'Ian...' I interrupted. 'Dude, I liked you ever since I first met you. More than I should have liked you...but I always thought because of our age gap you'd never feel the same way- so I kept it hidden...'

'Age never matters when two people love each other, Misty,' Ian told me, and kissed me passionately, moving me gently so that I was closer to him. He stroked my hair, rubbed my back. His chest was warm and inviting, and I rested my head on it.

'You're the most perfect guy I know, Ian. You're the most hilarious guy I've ever met. You've looked after me, after everything that happened when I first moved to the US. You've cared for me, given me somewhere to live, and you've given me friends. Of course I fell head over heels in love with you.'

'It's nice hearing that from the girl for once...' Ian mumbled. 'I guess I've never had a girl that I feel loves me as much as I love her...'

'Well I suppose I do,' and I pecked him on the lips. 'It was hard to resist myself from kissing you last night whilst you held me away from Jay.'

'Same here. When you gave me an extra hug, I was so happy.'

'Aww, Ian! I can't believe this is happening,' I expressed. 'It's so surreal...'

'It happened I guess that's what happens when two people are perfect for each other,' Ian said. 

I lifted up onto my tiptoes to kiss him. Before, he'd been bending down to kiss and hug me, so I figured it was my turn to change my height in order to embrace him. Our lips touched gently, and little shivers ran down my back with the simple sincerity of it all.

His kisses were so amazing and made my heart race. I always wanted more...but this time we just held each other in our arms for a while, hugging close, giggling together, feeling giddy.

'We picked an awkward time and place to fall in love didn't we?' Ian stifled through chuckles.

'You can say that again, score for Misty's good timing,'

'Shall we tell Anthony and Kalel?' he mumbled nervously, pulling out from the embrace.

'Fuck. I'd forgotten about them. Erm... we could just... let them... work it out for themselves?' I suggested, giggling.

'Nice one,' Ian replied. 'But seriously, imagine if we just approached them and were like 'Let's just bring you up to date. Since we saw you this morning we've gone on a PlayStation 4, then fallen hopelessly in love with each other and kissed, a lot. Got it?' I think we'd leave them perplexed..'

'We could...erm...' I desperately tried to conjure up a solution.

'Don't worry, it'll work out. We'll just make them aware, somehow,' Ian promised, and kissed my forehead gently before taking my hand and leading me back out into the Expo.

This was... crazy surreal. It couldn't be real. It was too perfect.

Things like this didn't happen to ME.

It was a joke.

It had to all be a joke.

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