Letter 70

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Lord thank you for  this new day and the opportunities you give no matter how small it may seem to us. Thank you for taking out the bad in my life no matter how much I scream and kick about it and pouring in the good in me. For redirecting my focus to you Jesus. I know you will do the same for my dad. My friends and family are in your hand Lord and I know there is the best place to be. My dad is tired these days...I think he's been tired for a long time but like me he hides it or lashes out at others. Very interesting once I realize just how alike my dad and I am. How much I got from him but yet we take different paths. I love my dad Lord and thank you so much for putting him in my life. We have many differences and sometimes I just want to yell at him but not so much like before. Before I would imagine lashing out and screaming. Rebelling against him and storming out the house but I never did it. Now I just want him to be ok and be happy. Not so angry. I want my dad to find rest in you and feel better from the things that he lets haunts him. Bit by bit. I know you will use me and others to lead him back to you. You will crack us all open and clean out the bad in us. I'm looking forward to that. No matter how small it may seem Lord I get so happy when I have a conversation with him about you or I see him taking notes in church or even teaching someone to pray or even giving me advice to pray when I'm looking for a different answer! It makes me happy and gives me hope and proof that you are working. Of course you all! I just let my feels get you down but that small thing, those small actions...they fill me with so much joy. They feel like victories and more and more I know you will do. You found me and with that you are finding them too or better yet we are finding you Lord! Every little thing that glorifies you feels like a victory. We are in your hands almighty God! The devil will not win because you are with us! You are here! You are our GOD and we are your children! Children of the one true King JESUS!


My Letters to God.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora