Chapter 26

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The sickening crunch was all that was needed for me to start crying hysterically. I rushed over to Clint's body. "Clint! Clint!" I shook his shoulders. He was deathly still. "Someone help!" I shouted between sobs. I had a hard time breathing all of the sudden. Steve came running over. He ripped off his mask.

"I thought he was on the roof," he said with a cracking voice. He probably knew what happened, but I said it anyways.

"H-He f-fell off."

Pietro sped over with Wanda in his arms. Wanda leapt down and knelt beside Clint's body. "What happened?" She questioned. Steve explained it to her, but it was really fuzzy. My brain seemed to go on overload as I stood up and stumbled away. More and more of the Avengers were coming over, and more and more rage took over me. I cried out as I sunk to my knees. The elves around me dropped as I thought of their hearts being crushed. I screamed and sobbed until my voice was sore. No one tried to comfort me or confront me. All of them were crowded around my best friend, except one.


He took steady paces towards me. When he reached me, he sat down on the ground next to me and threw his spear to the side. His arms wrapped around me. I returned the gesture and sobbed into his chest, soaking his clothing. After a while, the sadness had left. Hatred and rage seeped into me. I ripped out of Loki's arms and jumped to my feet. "Queen!" I yelled hoarsely to the skies. "This is it. We finish this now." Loki put his hand on my shoulder.

"Tessa, this is the worst of times to do this," he warned.

"No!" I snapped back. "I'm not letting anyone else die because of me." The queen appeared a couple of yards behind me.

"Loki!" She called sweetly. Loki flinched. "How nice to see you again."

"You will not speak to me. This is Tessa and your business only," he spat through his gritted teeth. One of his hands brushed his stomach, and I bit my lip.

Marieth clicked her tongue and stared at me. "Ah, child. It is now that you choose to fulfill your destiny? Now that you choose to complete this war?"

"Yes. It is," I sneered as I yanked my sword out of its sheath. "Wanda!" I yelled. She glanced at me. "I need a favor. Keep a force field around us as we fight. No civilian will get hurt as the result of us fighting. No one leaves until the other is dead." She looked confused, but nodded. I turned to Loki. "Don't let anyone interfere. Anyone. Do whatever it takes. You know how this has to end. You hear me?" His spear flew to his hands and he nodded solemnly. The Avengers were starting to notice our conversation. Dad hovered to my side.

"Tessa, what are you doing?" He asked.

"What I had to do to protect you. I have to fight her," I swallowed, "to the death."

"You are insane!" He hollered. "Let us handle this." He put his hands up to fight, but Loki used his scepter to push them back down.

"She needs to do this," my friend hissed at him. "This is how they will leave us alone. This is very important to your daughter. You need to let her go this time." I stepped several paces towards the queen in the now cleared area. Wanda put up her force field. It was just me and my mother. Me and the enemy. I passed the sword between my hands, becoming fidgety. Her sword finally appeared in her hands.

"Are you ready to go, Your Majesty?" I smirked.

"Ready indeed," she replied. We raced towards each other and began the battle.

Our swords clashed, the sound ringing through the air. I never really paid attention to my form, though. All that was going through my mind was the fact that she killed Clint. My friend. My brother. Her sword finally left the blocking position and I swiped at her. It lightly cut her stomach. She glared daggers at me. "Yeah, I did that." I felt Dad's smirk from behind me. Marieth swung at me, but I easily dodged the strike with a flip. She took the chance and swept me off my feet as I tried to land. My sword flew out of my grasp and I landed, letting out a grunt as the wind was knocked out of me. She put a foot on my chest and thrusted the sword into my shoulder. I screamed at the unbearable pain. I heard several Avengers call out to me. She twisted the blade to hurt me more, and made me groan as she yanked it out and raised it above my head. It was aimed for my eyes. I started struggling but I could do nothing with her on top of me.

"I think that our hero's story has come to an end," she said with a great amount of venom in her voice.

"Not today!" I snarled as I rolled out from under her. I jumped to my feet and spun around. She started to charge towards me. But before she got there, I pulled out a dagger and I whipped it at her chest. It sunk into her body up to the hilt. I did a little dance in my head as she dropped her sword and collapsed to the ground. I stepped over her body cautiously. She was most likely dead.

We won.

The words ran through my mind.

We won.

I looked at Dad and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled. I ran over to my sword and picked it up. I suddenly heard frantic yelling. I turned to see a flying blade.

I had no time to dodge it. The sword soared through the air and landed in my stomach, peeking through the other side.

Maybe I spoke too early.

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