Chapter 6

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"Tessa, wake up!" I heard someone yell at me. I opened my eyes slowly and I saw Evan standing over me. He had a murderous look in his eye. I tried to sit up, but restraints held me down. "I am going to ask you one more time before we have to take drastic measures," he yelled at me. "Where is the Tesseract?"

"I don't understand," I said, then he slapped me in the face.

"Don't be a smart- alec, Stark!" He screamed at me. "Where is it?"

"I - I don't know!" I stutter. He motioned to a guard and the guard left. Evan turned around and punched me in the face. "What the heck was that for?" I yelled at him, feeling blood running down my face from my nose.

"I didn't want to take it this far, Tessa, but you leave me no choice," he said softly. The recruit came back in, but this time, he brought in Cap, who had handcuffs on and chains on his feet. The guard shoved Cap on the floor, and Cap let out a groan. I gave Evan a look.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him, fearfully.

"Don't say anything, Tessa," Cap said. "I'll be alright, just don't say anything, okay? Trust me, okay?" I nodded. The recruit pulled out a gun and shot him in the leg. Cap cried out in pain.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "Don't do it! Look, I don't know where or what it is, but can we just work this out?" I said, calmly. Evan gave a nod to the recruit, who then shot Cap several times in the chest. I screamed.

"You could have prevented that, Tessa," Evan said, quietly. I screamed out again and I started to cry. "Bring in Barton."

"Clint, no!" I screamed. "Please don't," I said to Evan. He ignored me and the recruit dragged in Clint.

"Where is it, then?" He asked. I looked at Clint, who gave me the 'don't' look.

"I don't know," I said quietly. Evan waved at the recruit, who shot Clint in the head. "Clint!" I screamed in agony as Clint fell. Then, a voice came through my head.

"Clint is okay, Tessa," the voice said. "Open your eyes to see, okay?" I had them open, but I tried to open them more. And I did.


My eyes opened, and I saw Bucky standing over me. I sat up quickly, and I looked around to see if I could find Clint. Everyone was there, even 3 guys I had never seen before. Finally, I saw Clint.

"Clint," I said quietly. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried.

"It's okay, Tess, I'm here," he said, patting my back. Cap and Clint were okay. I wasn't at my base. I was on a jet. I didn't want him to let go, but he finally did. I wanted to be safe in his arms.

"Please, don't leave me Clint," I told him. "Promise."

"I promise, Tess" he said.


I walked around the jet before we landed. It had many rooms, for a small jet. Clint walked around with me as I explored. When we landed, he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about your nightmare? I understand if you don't want to, but - "

"No," I said, interrupting him. "I want to tell you what I'm afraid of. I trust you more than anyone else, Clint, not even my dad." I went on to tell him about Evan and his obsession of the Tesseract. I told him everything that happened in the dream, making sure not to leave anything out. I finished and waited for his response.

"Let's get out of here," he finally said, leading me off the jet. We walked down the ramp and into the building. The building seemed very familiar to me. I couldn't piece it together, though. We walked into what looked like a living room, where we sat down on the couch. "Look, Tess," he started, "the Tesseract is very dangerous and very important. It has a lot of powers that even Bruce can't understand."


"Our smart guy," he said. "But listen, nothing is going to happen to me or anyone else here because of you, so don't worry about it." The smile on his face reassured me that everything was alright. A blonde haired man walked in the room and looked at me,

"Ah, I see that the little girl has settled in," he said. Is he medieval or something? "My name is Thor Odinson, from Asgard," he greeted, reaching out to shake my hand. He had a strong grip.

"My name is Tessa, Thor," I said, shaking back.

"Do you not have a last name?" He asked me, looking confused. I looked back at Clint, who shook his head.

"My last name is - uh - Sparks," I said. Clint gave me something between a nod and a shrug.

"Ah, are you associated with fire?" Thor asked, looking interested. I started laughing.

"No, Thor, it's just a family name."

"Hey, Tessa," Cap walked in the room with Bucky and they both sat on one side of me. "Are you going to stay with us?"

"I don't want to cause any trouble -"

"All of the trouble in this building is right here, kid," I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around to face my biological father, the one who never came for me, the one who gave up: Tony Stark. I faced Clint, trying to send him a look that said 'Time to go!'. He nodded in understanding. "The name's Tony Stark, kid."

"My name's Tessa Sparks," I said back quickly.

"Can she stay here for a while, Stark?" Clint asked.

"I don't care, as long as she doesn't touch my stuff," Tony said, grinning. "Have her sleep in the spare bedroom in your -"

"If we have a girl here, she's staying with me," I heard a woman's voice behind me. Clint sighed.

"I think she would be more comfortable with me, Natasha," Clint argued. I put my hand on Clint's shoulder.

"I would be more comfortable with Clint, but if I'm welcome, I would like to be with a girl," I said, chuckling. Everyone else laughed and Natasha smiled. "No offense, Clint."

"None taken," he replied with a smile. He suddenly gasped and face palmed.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you want to eat?" He said. I completely forgot that I hadn't eaten in a month.

"You knew that they wouldn't let me eat?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"It seemed like something that they would do." He shrugged his shoulders. "What do you want to eat?"

"Surprise me!" I said as he walked off into the kitchen. I leaned into tell Natasha something. "Someone better help him, though. He seems like that kind of guy that can't cook to save his life." She laughed really hard.

"I'll try to help him, Tessa," she said, still laughing as she walked off into the kitchen. I turned around to see Bucky behind me.

"We need to talk," he said.

I gulped.

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