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~Age 15~
I woke up, feeling less under the power of the meds. I looked to my left to see Laurence passed out on kitchen table, as Cadenza was sleeping on the ground. I wonder what happened to them? I swung my feet over to the side of the couch and pulled the blanket off me. I walked over to the shower and turned on hot water. I then closed the door and went to my bedroom to get clothes and two towels. I picked out my normal black cotton leggings, with a purple snug shirt. I grabbed two towels and headed into the bathroom. After I took the shower I brushed out my hair and put a headband in, letting the rest of my hair turn curly. I walked back out to the family room area, still seeing them both passed out. I walked over and gave Laurence a kiss on the forehead then walked back to the kitchen. I totally forgot I was supposed to drop off the letter! I should leave a note for them to tell them I was going to run.

Dear Cadenza and Laurence,
I'm going to go run an errand and be right back. I will be about 10 minutes or less.
From Aphmau

That should do it. I grabbed the letter I wrote the other day and walked to my room to grab my leather sword belt and my diamond sword. I slid on my talk tie on black lace boots and headed out. Okay, so the church is before the guard tower then turn a right. I started walking. I walked passed a couple neighbors which I waved at. I walked a little bit further down strait then turned a sharp right. I came upon the church. The letter said to put it behind the church under the flowerpot. I walked behind the church trying to look casual and slipped it under the old dirty flower pot. Okay now time to head back. As I started to head back, my feet started guiding me to go inside of the church. I saw the priest just hang up the phone.

"Oh, hi Aphmau." He said walking up to me.

"Hello." I replied.

"So what brings you here today?" He asked.

"I don't know, my feet kind of brought me here." I said telling the truth. I see him fiddling with some sort object behind his back. I want to ask what that is, but I don't want to be mean and act like I'm nosing in his business.

"Well that's good because you left something here from the funeral several weeks ago that I was meaning to give you." He said handing me a small rectangular box. I opened it finding a beautiful necklace, it had a gold chain with some sort of multicolored stone that was polished. The stone had a gold framing around it that sort of looked like vines surrounding it.

"It's so beautiful." I said. I looked up and saw that he wasn't there. I looked around and he was gone. What? Right when I was about to go look for him I got stopped.

"Aphmau! Geez, you had me worried!" Laurence said breathing heavily, I think he was running. I grabbed one of his hands because the other one held the small box.

"What is that?" Laurence asked.

"The priest said this was at the funeral a while ago and gave it to me today." I said handing him the small rectangular box.

"Woah." He said looking at the necklace. I tried to grab the necklace out of the box but it zapped me, really hard.

"Ow!" I said pulling my hand back with the necklace.

"Oops did I shock you?" Laurence asked.

"I think it was the necklace." I said looking at my now bleeding finger. Wait when did it start bleeding? I handed the necklace back to Laurence as he put it back in the box. He gave me a tissue he had in his pocket, which I grabbed and held it on my finger. After about 5 minutes of walking back to my house my finger stopped bleeding.

"So Aphmau why did you go to the church?" He asked, I think he knows but is trying to get it out of me.

"Uh... No reason..." I said. Geez I'm such a bad liar.

"Liar!" He pointed out, stopping me before I headed into my house.  He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Aphmau, why did you really go there?" He asked in a more serious voice.

"I went there to drop off the letter." I said. I though he was going to get really mad, but instead he let go of my shoulders and pulled me into a nice warm protective hug. I was surprised at first but then melted into it.

"Laurence-" I started but he cut me off.

"Aphmau, you know I'm worried for you and your safety, this meeting thing doesn't sound safe to me at all, and this person saying not to bring a guard makes this more than little suspicious." He said resting his chin on my shoulder. I ruffled the back of his hair. He leaned back looking at me. Our noses touching. He was so cute, almost Fabio cute... Wait... Did I just compare Laurence to Fabio? Fabio isn't as cute and nice as Laurence though... Right? I saw a small smile appear on Laurence's lips.

"Is Cadenza still inside?" I asked.

"Nope, she went to Katelyn's house." He said. I pulled away a little bit to open the door. I pulled him inside and locked the door. Right when I locked the door he pushed me against it and started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight hold to show him I wasn't going to let go anytime soon. His hands wrapped around my waist in a firm grip. The kiss got deeper and deeper. I think I lost myself in it because before I knew anything we were on the ground with me on top of him. I let go madly blushing. I could see he was blushing like a tomato too. I don't think we both meant to do that position. I got off of him still blushing like a maniac. I started to stand up but he stood up first and helped me up. He's making me feel old every time he helps me up. I realized my shirt was hiked up a lot, like right before my bra. I pulled it down. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"So Aphmau?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I asked blushing.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Laurence... Of course." I said giving him a big smile.

"Well your the nicest and hottest boyfriend in the whole world, and now that I think about it Fabio cannot beat you." I said.

"And your the best girlfriend in the world... Wait who's Fabio? Don't tell me he's your ex?" Laurence asked.

"I'll tell you about Fabio later." I said giggling.

"Hey, wait! Why are you giggling!" Laurence asked.

Promises ~Larmau #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now