
685 22 10

~Age 15~
Dear my Beloved Aphmau,
I wanted to leave this note just for you. You may not know me, but I know you. I know you quite well actually. We've met in the past. You may not remember. I knew your mother and father, we were... Friends. I am so sorry for your loss. If you want to figure out what happened happened to your father, I will be glad to meet up with you and tell you. But we must meet in private, that means if you have guards then you can't bring them. Write back to this letter to give me your answer, place it under the flower pot behind the church. Hope to hear back from you soon beautiful.

Love anonymous

"Hey Aphmau what's the note?" Laurence asked. I handed it to him. He read it slowly.

"I'm not going to let you go." Laurence said.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's a total trap, if your not blind you'd see that." Laurence said.

"Well it's not like we're going to find the answers by looking at a pile of my dads blood." I said, starting to raise my voice.

"Aphmau, you need to think about your answers and not be so rash, that guy could be leading you to your own death." Laurence said with a raised voice.


"Aphmau-" I cut Laurence off.

"Stop." I said after a fit of coughing.

"I would like you to go." I said. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. He nodded his head yes and headed for the door. He opened the door and stopped in the doorway.

"Aphmau, just know that I care for you and will always be here for you no matter what." Laurence said in a quiet voice. He left the house and closed the door behind him. I hit the door and fell down on my butt. I started crying.

"Aphmau your so stupid!" I yelled at myself hitting my palm against my head.

"You make everyone leave, dad is gone cause of you!" I screamed at myself. I sobbed.

"Now your all alone, this is what you get!" I yelled at my self, hiccuping in the process. I slammed my hand against the floor. I stood up, and grabbed the mop inside the cabinet. I took a bucket filled with water and set the bucket down to dunk the mop in. I started mopping viscously in anger at the blood. After I got outside of his room all mopped, time to do the worst part. In his room. I slowly made my way to his room and opened the door. The room was filled with scents of blood and death. Okay, so we're getting rid of the bed. Time to move the mattress. I pulled at the mattress to get it off the bed. I somehow got through the front door and made my way to the trash bin. I spent an hour putting the whole bed in the trash. I could tell along the way people were looking at me weirdly. I walked back inside and started picking up and putting glass bottles and cloths into a trash bag. I through all of them out to the big trash bin. I started mopping and cleaning his room.

"Okay Aphmau, your almost done. You just need to straiten some things up and make it look normal." I told myself, trying to sound encouraging. I started to straiten some pictures on he walls, and staged everything up to look normal.

"DONE!" I let out with a release of breath. I looked at the clock. It was 9:00 pm. It's that late already? I wiped sweat off my forehead and laid on the couch. I stared at the ceiling.

I feel so mean, I can't believe I yelled at Laurence like that. Geez, Aphmau, I swear your going crazy. Your never mean, and your talking to yourself. Which isn't normal. I need my dog. Heh, I don't want to go to the chicken area to get him though. Ugh! I should say sorry to Laurence. Yeah, let's get Thorgi, and apologize to Laurence. But first I need to take a long nice shower to rid myself of stained blood.

Promises ~Larmau #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now