All for you

Mulai dari awal

Gray: Koete ikerukara

You: Kodokudatta yoru mo

Gray: Sono koe ga senaka

(So all throughout the song just pretend they were interacting instead of just awkwardly standing there.)

The crowd wildly applauds as Gray and I both bow and walk off stage together. Relief floods my body as I realize I just sang a duet to a love song with Gray.

"I didn't know you could sing so well." I say to Gray while Lucy, Natsu, and Juvia walk up.

"Same to you and see, you were perfectly fine on stage." Gray says making my cheeks tingle as I glance away from him.

"Yeah, thanks again." I reply before Lucy tightly hugs me, proud her plan is succeeding. I chuckle and hug her back.

"You both did amazing!" She exclaims making us both smile. I don't think anything could ruin the happiness in feeling. I still don't think we will win but I'm not concerned about winning or losing.

After the contest ended I went home since I was extremely worn out and the results wouldn't be posted till tomorrow.

I was in my bedroom and even though I was tired, my eyes wouldn't close for more then a split second. I kept replying the duet in my head. How Gray calmed me down before going on stage. How he didn't even try to stop us singing from happening. How he tilted my chin up to make me smile. I wonder if he knows the effect he has on me.

While I'm here staring back at the ceiling he's probably fast asleep. I sigh and turn on my side, determined to try and get at least a few hours of sleep tonight.

Surprisingly when I wake up it's not because someone's loudly knocking on my door, but rather cause I woke up naturally. Lucy meets me downstairs an hour later as we go check the scores. There's a giant crowd of people surrounding the board and I find it funny how many people are interested in a piece of paper.

Loke appears and I tell them to go ahead and I'll wait over here at a table. Since Gray and I won't even be on the list I won't try to waste my time fighting through a crowd of love struck people to try and see the list.

"EEEEEEEEEEPPP!!" I hear Lucy squeal all the way across the room and she comes tearing out from the middle on the crowd towards me.


Did I just hear her right? Is she sure she didn't just read the name wrong or something and it's actually Juvia?

"LOOK!" She says taking out her phone and showing me a picture of the board.

Mister and Miss Fiore contest:

1. Gray Fullbuster and (F/n) (L/N)
2. Loke and Lucy Heartfilia
3. Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden
4. Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser
5. Alzack Connell and Bisca Connell

I blink a couple times trying to get the gears moving in my head but they seem to be jammed. People liked us as a couple that much?!

"H-How did that happen?" I say while furrowing my eyebrows. Lucy meanwhile is jumping all around me while rejoicing. Her plan worked.

"Cause people see the connection between you two!" She exclaims and Loke chuckles at how happy Lucy is.

"You did put on a really good performance." Loke says but I'm still staring off into space.

"T-Thanks." I stutter when I see Gray walking in with Juvia. I wonder how he's gonna react. They walk up and I try to act as normal as possible but that tactic fails since my face is burning up. My stomach twists in knots as my eyes nervously flick over Grays face.

"I'm gonna go check the board!" Juvia squeals while rocking from side to side. She takes off towards the board but we all know it's gonna be a while. Gray takes a seat at the table best to me and I burry my face in my arms which are crossed against the table.

"Want to see a picture of the results? I took one when I was up there earlier." Lucy informs and I assume Gray nods since I didn't hear a response. Right now I'd like to dig a hole in the ground since I'm terrified of what his reaction will be.

"Oh. . ." Is all I hear him say and my heart feels like it's about to fall out of my chest. What does that mean?! It means he doesn't like it obviously!

"Is the ice princess blushing?!" Natsu exclaims while clutching his stomach in laughter. I peak up and Gray does have quite the blush spreading across his cheeks making me smile but when his eyes meet mine I swallow harshly.

"What?! A-Am not!" Gray stutters making me chuckle. He looks so cute when he's embarrassed! A side that's rarely shown since he always seems so cool. . . no pun intended.

"MY DEAREST GRAY! PLEASE DO NOT CRY BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT WON! EVERYONE FAILS TO SEE OUR LOVE!" Juvia yells while almost tackling Gray after running up from the crowd.

"It's ok. There's always next year." He says calmly and I wonder if Juvia saw who actually one cause I'm pretty sure she'd be trying to choke me right now if she had.

"Oh Gray! I hope we will be as cute as the couple who won!" Juvia squeals and I know that's my queue to exit.

"I'm gonna go get some food." I say, awkwardly shuffling away from the group and going up to the bar.

"I knew you and Gray would win! Congratulations!" Mirajane chimes while walking over to me with a closed eyed smile.

"Thanks. Now I just have to avoid Juvia forever so she doesn't attempt to kill me." I sigh and take a seat on of the stools. I rest my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Gray protected you last time, I'm sure he would do it again." Mirajane points out.

"(Y/n)?" Someone calls my name out behind me. I turn to see its Gray and my face turns pink.

"Oh. Looks like I'm needed over here! See you!" Mirajane quickly excuses herself and scrunch my nose up in annoyance since she left me.

"Y-Yeah?" I stutter while mentally slapping myself. So smooth.

"You see we won right?" Gray inquires while taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah I did. A-Are you ok with it?" I ask trying to calm myself from the awkward situation.

"Yeah. If you aren't we can just do it as friends." He says and my lips part slightly in surprise. He's ok with us being together? No, no. It's probably just him being ok with us winning.

"Oh, that's fine." I reply before a girl with a cheery aura and a clipboard comes over to me.

"Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?" She chimes with a bright smile on her face. A boy walks over and does the same thing to Gray.

"Yes, I am." I reply and the girl rocks back a forth in happiness.

"Hi! I'm Umeko! I'll be the one getting you ready for the parade tonight!" She explains so I get up and follow her to a back room.

Hi everyone! Looking forward to seeing what your outfit will be and what the parade will be like?

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Remember? (Gray Fullbuster X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang