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During my frustrating punching Dashawn then walks in confused.

Dashawn-"Did the pillow do something?"

Gabi-"Nope your idiot friend did."

Dashawn-"Me and August are more like once in while pals ."

Gabi-"What does that even mean?"

Dashawn-"Forget it. What did he do?"

Gabi-"You know exactly what he did."

Dashawn-"Babe I thought we're done with this."

Gabi-"We are, but he just constantly does dumb S*** and he hardly even cares about it."

Dashawn-" Listen men like us mess up alot, but our love is for real. He might act like a D*** , but he 's a good D*** that cares."

I laughed at his weird statement.

Dashawn-"What so funny? Dont you like good D*** , cause mines is very friendly and would love to have some fun with you."

He pressed his lips against mines and things got very 'FRIENDLY'. Dashawn was a great distraction from everything for a night, but I still to deal with humans in the morning.

Its morning and am searching up and down the room for my undies . After I found it on ceiling fan I placed it on and freshened myself up and headed down stairs.

Am down stairs eating breakfast with Nikki and hoping she doesnt question me about last night.

Nikki-"So what happened with August last night?"

Gabi-"I gave him 5 minutes to talk and he kept babbling about how I hate him . Later on he told me to get over the fact that I got FINGERED cause of his stupid bet , then he said he's available for secret HAND JOBS , then I called him disgusting and he called petty and childish and finally I pushed out of my room , punched the pillow and had sex with my boyfried."

Nikki's face is in shock .

Nikki-"I am so sorry for making you talk to him."

Gabi-"Your forgiven."

Nikki-"I cant believe am dating that A** HOLE ."

I got up and went outside to practice. August is irrellevant to me . I have bigger things to feel some sort of way about.

THE ZOMBIE LIFEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora