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We noticed a unused jeep with the keys inside of it.

We hopped in it drove to my house.

We passed our old school LINCON HIGH. Tears dropped down my eyes as I saw my burnt down school. It sucks to think we didnt get to finish our final month in the 12 grade. I would have to be the first 4.00 student to not graduate there.

I noticed something about MAXWELL CITY. It was worst and more destructed than any other place we been to. It's like Hell on earth literally.

We stopped to a gun store to stay equiped.

We hopped out and broke the glass then carried as much as we can carry.

I was suprised that there were no Zombies around. This city was different. It was like we were being watched ,but theres no one around.

We hopped back into the jeep and kept on moving.

We passed Jake's use to be house.

Jake-"There's my place guys."

Kenny-"You mean the burnt pile of Ashes on the ground"

Jake-"Yep that was my place."

Deja-"You lived alone?"

Jake-"Nah , but am the only child and my parents were always out."

Deja-"Aww that must have been sad."

Jake-"Not really I got plenty of P**** in that house."

Tanaj and Derin said-"Eww."

We finally arrived to my house. I dont understand why are all of the houses on my block are burned down and my house is perfectly fine.

I rushed inside with a pistol pointing it everywhere to make sure in the house is clear.

Dashawn-"Nice house babe your parents must have been rich."

Gabi-"My mom died giving birth to me in Jamaica and my farther was'nt in my life so my big sister turned into my guardian."

Dashawn-"Wait your Jamaican?"


Dashawn-"You dont look Jamaican."

Gabi-"How do Jamaicans look?"

Jake leaned in towards Dashawn and whispered-"Dont answer that . Its a trick question you will get in trouble.Dont do it."

Dashawn-"Am not saying that theres anything wrong with Jamaicans its just that my Dad was murdered by one."

I cold heartedly said-"So who's fault is that the murderer or Jamaicans?"

Kenny-"Ohh burn"

Dashawn-"Nevermind F*** IT"

Jake quickly changed the subject and asked-"So Gabs what ever happened to Stacy? You dont even speak about her."

Gabi-"I dont know after that night at Brandons house when the Zombies started I never saw her neither Theo?"

Tanaj-" Theo? Whos that?"

Gabi-"Her 6 yearold son."

Derin-"I miss little Theo so much."

Gabi-"I hope that there alright."

Jake holds me and says -"Am sure they are. Stacy is way to bad A** to not survive Zombie land."

Jaarona-"Yep she is. If she can survive a night of Jake and August and other Jocks and cheerleaders she can survive anything."

Gabi-"I was such a nerd in highschool."

Kenny-"Yes you were. Why did we even hang out with you? You were such a bummer."

Derin-"Because we needed a mini mom to save our A**** when ever we got into trouble."

Jaarona-"Gabs was our Duff."

Gabi-"Ok guys none of this is making me feel better at all."

They laughed and said -"Sorry."

Dashawn stayed in a corner ignoring everyone.

I walked over to him and said-"Am sorry. I went a little bit to far. Its just that this house is a very touchy place for me and me not having my sister made me react badly."

Dashawn-"Am sorry for being ignorant and am sure your sister is ok.She's your guardian so she is obviously strong."

I hugged him and said-"I love you."

Dashawn-"I love you more."

I showed him a picture of her. A 5'6ft lightskin Jamaican with golden curly hair and a loving heart.

Dashawn-"She's beautiful."

Gabi-"I know. "

Gabi-"Ok guys we have to plan how we are going to do this."

Derin -" So what should we do?"

Gabi-"We have to find Brandon."

Lytrell-"How can we find your dead friend?"

Gabi-"He's not dead. He's just possesed by the Prince of the Dead."

Lytrell-"Do you see how crazy you sounded?"

Gabi-"Yes I do , but We've dealed with a hungry Snow man, Canibalistic mental patients ,Canibal hillbillies and more. Am sure we can kill one Prince."

My speech encouraged the others but I was the one in need of encouraging.

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