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@kimingyou: girl did you sit on sugar?

@kimingyou: because that ass is sweet ;-))

@asdfghohoseok: what happens to peter pan's punches?

@asdfghohoseok: they neverland.

@kimingyou: if i were to change the letters in the alphabet,

@kimingyou: i would put u and i together.

@asdfghohoseok: what did the grape say when it got stepped on?

@asdfghohoseok: nothing. but it let out a little wine.

@kimingyou: aren't you tired?

@kimingyou: because you keep running through my mind.

@asdfghohoseok: have you ever tried eating a clock?

@asdfghohoseok: well don't. it's time consuming.

@kimingyou: if stealing my heart was a crime,

@kimingyou: you'd be sentenced to death right now

@asdfghohoseok: why did the rooster cross the road?

@asdfghohoseok: to prove that he wasn't a chicken

@kimingyou: if beauty was time,

@kimingyou: you'd be eternity

@asdfghohoseok: why did adele cross the road?

@asdfghohoseok: to say hello from the other side

@kimingyou: i'm looking for some treasure

@kimingyou: can i search in your chest?

@asdfghohoseok: why did adele exit the room?

@asdfghohoseok: to say hello from the outside

@kimingyou: you're like hot chocolate and i'm like marshmallow

@kimingyou: because you're hot and i want to be on top of you

@asdfghohoseok: oh my crap

@asdfghohoseok: why tf are we doing this omg

@kimingyou: you lose

@asdfghohoseok: whAT

@asdfghohoseok: tHis wAs a gaME??

@kimingyou: ;-))

@kimingyou: i'm bored

@kimingyou: don't you fucking dare reply the dad joke

@asdfghohoseok: hi bored, i'm park

@asdfghohoseok: woops too late B-))

@kimingyou: can u send me a selfie of urself

@asdfghohoseok: wait lemme think abt it- no

@kimingyou: pLeASSEE???

@kimingyou: FOR UR LITTLE MIN?

@kimingyou: ;-((

@asdfghohoseok: u called urself little min i-

@asdfghohoseok: but nope still nah

@kimingyou: min is sad

@asdfghohoseok: how old r u btw

@kimingyou: i'm not too young

@kimingyou: but i'm old enough for u to call me daddy ;-))

@asdfghohoseok: woops! gtg

@asdfghohoseok: my fish drowned


those puns and pickup lines aren't mine ok?? tho the last one mingnasty sent (the but i'm old enough for u to call me daddy) was from my head so it was probs the lamest ;-)) but u kno maybe that shit has been made alr but istg i just though of it days ago when jooheoney kept on calling hyunwo dad on right now i-

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