Chapter 29- Reality Spilts All

Start from the beginning

"Its not something I want to live by mom." I mumble. She takes off her jacket and ID card over her neck.

"Well you should, but besides that you look terrible."

"Gee, thanks mom."

"No Annie I don't mean it like that." She chuckles and kisses my temple.

She definitely meant it. "Please enlighten me on what you did." I smile innocently at her.

She hesitated and the side of her lip twitched. "Okay, I didn't mean it in a foul way. It came out wrong." She hugged me tightly and repeatedly apologized.

"By terrible I mean you don't look vibrant like you usually do. Your hair is utterly dull." She stopped and smiled.

"We're going to the hair salon."

"Now?" My eyes widen and my head dropped a little.

She rolled her eyes and continued. "Maybe get our nails done, go shopping. You know? Something for us." I smiled thinking about it, to get my mind off things.

"Okay." I grinned. "8 sound good?"

"Get at least 8 hours of beauty sleep, nine if you're ugly and I need ten times that."

"Aw mom, don't say that. You are amazing just the way you are." I pout.

"You kidding. Have you seen the bags under my eyes?" She places her pointer finger below her eye and pulls the skin down. "I dont know how your dad looks at this." We both laugh at the snort that comes from her.

"Look at what?"

Our laughs settled down as my father made his presence known. The key clinked on the Island I was sitting at.



We said in unison. He raised an eyebrow at the both us.

"Okay then," He kisses my mother then me, on my forehead.

"I'll be heading upstairs." He turned around walking away but swiftly twisted just as fast to me again.

"Jeremiah was asking for you today." My eyes popped out of their sockets.

"He's up?" I asked throatily.

"Up and healthy, yes. He woke the day after surgery I was told, but during the day he's asleep and at night you know visiting hours are over."

"He asked for me?" I said to no one in particular. Maybe I said it because I wanted to reassure myself, reassure that he's okay and he's breathing and he's asking for me. Does that mean he isn't angry?

I nibble on my bottom lip as well as stare at Cheerios swimming in the bowl of milk.

"Destiny will ya quit spacing out?" My dads voice command.

"Sorry," Shrugging, I got up to set my bowl in the sink. I rinse it out and place it in the dishwasher. My mom and dad watch me cautiously.

"What?" I looked between both of them.

"Nothing." They harmonize. I playfully rolled my eyes at them and walked up the stairs. A few mintues after me I heard them climb up as well and enter their rooms. I sank in my bed and smiled.

He asked for me.


I woke up with my head at the edge of the bed, face parallel to the floor. It was completely rare for me to wake up in an odd position or rather to my tan floor.

"Oh good, you're up. Go get dressed, I depart in 10." My mom said at the entrance of my door. She was tying her hair in a ponytail and was walking around in her blue jeans and a bra.

Jeremiah (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now