Chapter 12: Astraphobia

Start from the beginning

"This sucks! I was looking forward to that all day!" I gasped, throwing myself on the couch.

The others groaned in agreement. Austin was playing on his phone. The two girls were talking and I was just sitting there. I was looking around when I got an idea.

"Why don't we light a fire in here, in the fireplace?" I asked, sitting forward on the couch.

 Everyone looked over at me. I don't know why I hadn't thought about this earlier.

I looked over to Veronica for permission.

"Well, I don't really see why not. We have wood in here. If you guys really want to, we can."

"Why not? No need for the rain to ruin our plans," Austin Added.

"Can you get some wood for us, Veronica?" I asked her.

"Sure thing,"

 She went over to a closet that was off to the left side of the living room. It was stacked with blocks of wood. She juggled a couple of blocks out of the stack and then turned to walk back. The wood was almost as tall as her. I had to laugh to myself a little. She was just so short, it was funny.

We did light up a fire and got it going pretty well. We roasted some marshmallows and ate until we were full.

"So... I brought some movies for us to watch." Alli spoke up, breaking the silence that had begun.

"Oh really? What kind?" I asked

"Well, some classics:  A few Disney movies and a few horror movies.

"Woah, woah, woah! You don't even watch scary movies. Why did you bring them?" Veronica pointed out.

"I do too watch them! Just not alone. And besides, everybody else likes them!" She snapped.

"I think that's a great idea. We all like scary movies; And with the storm outside, it will be even creepier," I added.

I saw Veronica sigh a little bit. I don't know why she sighed. She likes scary movies. I know she does. We watch them together sometimes. Maybe I was just over thinking.  Maybe I missed something? 

We all got seated for the movie now. Allison and Austin were sitting on the love-seat next to the sectional couch. Allison sat with her feet next to Austin's legs. Her legs were slightly bent and she was leaned back on a pillow or two. Austin took once glance at her, then picked up her feet and put them over and on his lap. I could hear a little giggle that came out of Alli's mouth when he did that.  He covered her bottom half up, tucking her in on the sides. 

What was that all about?

 Veronica came over and sat with me. I felt a smile spread slightly across my lips. I let her get comfortable next to me. When she was settled, I put my arm around her shoulders. She pulled up a blanket and snuggled into it more than into me.  That's okay; that will change when the movie starts.

I smirked.


It had come to an intense part of the movie. It was really dark and the main character was creeping around a dark house. The killer was no where to be found and everyone else had been separated. I just knew that there was going to be something that was going to pop out sooner or later. We were all quiet. No talking no eating of anything. Nothing.Veronica was still next to me. I had to glance down ever now and then, just to make sure that I wasn't really dreaming about this. I could hear the thunder that was still going on outside. Veronica had been doing well. She wasn't even shaking like she would sometimes when the storms got this bad.

That's when it happened. There was a huge clap of thunder that mad the whole house shake, followed by a bolt of lightning. On the screen, there was something the popped up that made all of us jump. I could hear Allison take in a pinched breath. Austin clenched ever so slightly. Veronica had made a squeaking noise from under my arm. I dropped my hand down to wrap my arm tighter, tucking her against me. Absentmindedly, I kissed the top of her head that was near me. I didn't even realize I did it, until just seconds after. I didn't react to what I did. I didn't look down. I don't think Veronica looked up. She didn't slap me and that was good, right?


Over all, It was a good movie. It made you jump and whatnot. Veronica stayed next to me for the rest of the movie. However, when it was over, she sat up and moved to a safe distance away from me. The lights went back on and the TV went off. The fire was still going, but much less now.

"Now what," Veronica asked, stretching out. Her bones cracked slightly.

Alli swung her legs out from Austin's lap and sat up.

"How about we play a nice game of truth or dare?" Austin suggested, glaring at me.

"I'm down for that," I agreed

"Ditto," Veronica piped in.

"Fine" Allison said.

We sat in a circle in front of the fire. Austin was next to Alli; Alli next to Veronica and Veronica next to me. It was silent for a minute before Allison rubbed her hands together.

"Kyle; Truth or dare?"

**Alli's POV**

I Knew I was being trouble. To be honest, I didn't really care. I wanted to see how far I could push Veronica and Kyle. When she had told me what had happened, I knew that I had to play matchmaker. I mean, come on! They would be just too cute together. Everything was there, they just needed a little bit of a push from a caring friend.

 I'm sure Veronica knew what I had in mind when I was doing the stuff earlier, but she had no idea what was going to come up soon.

I had gotten together with Austin. We had compared our storied about what the two had told us and they matched up pretty well.  We knew we shouldn't have, but sue us!They both like each other; they just needed some help realizing it. That's what we were going to do.

"Kyle; Truth or dare?"

He wasn't expecting that. His face paled as he spun his head around. 

"Uh... Truth?"

  Damn! I thought for a minute. What would be good to know about him?

"When was your last girlfriend?" I asked him, even though I already knew the answer.

"About a year and a half ago." I glanced at Veronica. Her eyes widened as if she couldn't believe it. She quickly controlled herself, though. UGH! This was going to be tougher than I thought.


We had been playing truth or dare for over an hour now. Nothing too major happened in that time; just a few embarrassing stories and stupid dares. Time to pull out the big guns. It was Kyle's turn again and I had something amazing.

"Kyle; Truth or dare?"

Please say dare: Please say dare: Please say dare...

"I pick dare, peasant."

"I dare you to kiss Veronica!"


Well there it is guys! Sorry it took a week.  I have been so busy and whatnot. I cant believe that i have over 500 reads! its crazy. Thank you guys! As allways dont forget to VOTE, Leave a COMMENT, or MESSAGE ME! I am more than happy to talk to you guys. I would love to hear more from you guys and what you are thinking. The next chapter is going to be something big. I hope you liked the part that is in Allisons POV. If you want more, tell me? Maybe in a message of in a comment? :)  

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