Chapter 50: Mozart

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Gabriel didn't return back that night, or the next or even the next. He slowly began showing up at very random times of the day to say hi and admit, once again, he was busy in his father's office. So busy that his father built him an attached office.

I was alone with Christian day and night learning his cries and coos. I became a full time mother without realizing the impact it was having on me. Before I knew it I had stayed confined to my bedroom for nearly two weeks only leaving to request the next room over be converted into a nursery for Christian so I wouldn't have to stay quiet during his naps anymore.

"Are you going with this gaudy blue?" Anne scowled holding up a periwinkle quilt.

"I thought it was sweet," I shrugged, entering the new room through the freshly built door. The room was windowless as I requested but brightly lit by a beautiful glass chandelier. Christian lay awake and kicking in his new circular crib. The walls still a bare white since Anne had keeper talking me out of colors. No yellows, greens or oranges were approved so I finally settled on a very cliche boy color.

"Ember, you look exhausted," she told me as I folded Christians pants.

"That's because I am," I sighed, falling back into his rocking chair. As soon as my back hit the cushion, Christian cried out. I leaned forward but Anne urged me to lay back.

"You know you're not obligated to do this on your own," she told me as she scooped Christian into her arms.

"I know," I said, closing my eyes, "I'm supposed to have help from my partner."

She stayed silent and I knew she wasn't to speak of any royalty in a cruel way so there was no reason in complaining.

I huffed once more and stood from the chair, reaching out for my son.

"Nuh uh," she pulled back. "You need a break. Go out in the garden, or to take a swim or even just a bath without a baby in the room but right now I'll watch him. Look, he's already fighting sleep."

I watched as Christians long eyelashes fluttered until they became still. I looked up at Anne and whispered, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, Ember. It's okay to ask for help," she assured me. "Now, go out on a dress. I'm sick of seeing you in sweat pants. They're about as bad as this eye sore blue you've chosen."

I laughed and followed her orders. Winter was just beginnings day even though I wasn't planning on exiting the castle I slipped on a long sleeved white dress that cling to my skin. I chose a small heel to train my walking once again then scooped my hair up into a bun and away from my face.

Giving one last glance at Anne with Christian in her arms, I exited my safe place into the world once more.

"Your Majesty, May I assist you somewhere?" I heard Adam ask from beside the door. I jumped back at his voice and he held out his hands to show his innocence.

"It's just me," he reassured me.

"Are you always out here?" I asked still in shock.

"Of course," he said. I stared at him incredulously and turned away towards the stairwell.

His footsteps sounded behind me and I turned once more, "Can I help you?"

"I've been ordered not to leave your side and I intend to stick to that," he stated, staring forward.

"By Gabriel?" I asked.


"Does Gabriel know?"

I cocked his head, "I'm not sure, I haven't asked him. Why?"

"Just curious," I answered turning once more.

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