Chapter 44: Quill

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I awoke to my nightmares three separate times during the night, in which Jillian hadn't been there until the last time but now light intruded the tent.

"Almost go time," Jillian said, fixing a tray of food like last night. "You'll be eating big tonight but I can offer you food before you go. You may not get back till late."

I sprung up from the bed at the smell of the mushy breakfast. He pushed it towards me.

"The truck arrives around 8:30 usually, we have about ten minutes," he informed me. "Now remember, we can't allow the drivers to see you. It'll blow your cover and mine. I'll be killed on the spot and I assume you will go back to where you came from. Wait five minutes after the truck is off and then leave. You'll be stopped at a surplus, many trucks will be around you so you have cover. When you get off, Main Street will be the only street with tall building on all corners directly in front of you. Can't miss it."

I nodded, already finished with my plate. We both froze as we heard a truck against gravel outside the tent.

"I told Price you were gone this morning when I made it back to my tent, so we can't be seen," he said, now peeking out of the tent. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "The cloak." He told me.

I reached for it on the end of the cot where he had left it last night and pulled it over me.

He reached back and I placed my hand in his. He yanked dragging me out of the tent, pulling me through the tree and up to a gravel road surrounded by sand. A large truck intruded, the back wide with no one around. Jillian picked me up by my waist, forcing me in.

"Hide," he whispered. I nodded and began to run to the back of the truck.

"Ember," he held up a hand and I turned one last time before shielding myself within the crates. "Please help us. We're good people."

"I will help you," I promised. "Give me time and I will help you."

Just then Jillian walked away as if everything was normal. I heard a pair of footsteps approach in the gravel.

"Taking requests again today, Lloyd?" Jillian asked and then it sounded like he gave the other man a slap on the back.

"Just tryna' help where help is needed, eh," the other man said sweetly.

"Thought you'd be unloading," Jillian said and I think we were both very happy they weren't.

"Nah, we'll be back tonight."

"Straight to the warehouse then?" Jillian asked.

"Yes sir! Takes us a bit to get things sorted but shouldn't be to long. Bringin' ya some food," the man laughed and Jillian thanked him laughing as well.

"Here let me help you with that," Jillian said and I heard the loud metal screech as they both pulled the door down and then I was in complete darkness. I began to flashback to the cellar, shaking my head to get rid of the images. I closed my eyes and strained for the sound of moving tires.

I didn't have to strain long and suddenly the darkness was no longer the problem but instead it was the crates hitting back and forth squishing me in between. I was thrown from side to side, holding my stomach so no crate could touch it. The ride was extremely long, no break from sliding except for once or twice, I assume at stop lights.

When we approached a stop, I threw a crate lid off of me and stood up, pressing my ear against the side. I listened as a door was opened and then closed then began to count 5 minutes. Somehow that five minutes was longer then the entire ride here. I approached the back side of the truck in the darkness and searched for a handle to pull up the door.

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