Chapter 18: Rebels

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At 7:50 I paced nervously in my room, awaiting Gabe. Laurie had us take a test today of how we would handle situations like last night as the princess but I couldn't keep my head on straight. Every other question talked about assisting your husband and it only made me think of Gabriel and how intense his voice had been earlier. He held me like he thought he never would again. Heidi had said he was only worried about me last night, he ignored the others cry for help.

I slipped on the same lavender dress I wore the first time Gabriel and I officially met. I paced back and forth chewing my nails down to the bed. I don't understand why I was so nervous to see him. Was it the fact that I had admitted I loved him out loud? Or was it what Heidi had said to me? I didn't have time to think about the either or because a knock on my door rang loud and clear.

I hesitated before walking towards it. With one final breath I swung it open. There he stood. His eyes large and aware, and as hazel as ever. He had just gotten out of the shower because his ashy hair still glistened. He dressed casual like myself, and my breath caught when I noticed I could see his full arms. He wore a black short sleeve shirt for the first time in my presence. Without a word, he held his hand out and I took it without a second thought.

"Come, we need to talk," he said, leading me down the hall and towards a staircase I'd only climbed once. We climbed as quickly as humanely possible. Finally, reaching the top of the fourth floor, he turned to the familiar door to get to the roof. He practically dragged me up the spiral staircase, desperate to get to where he wanted to go. When he opened the last door he ushered me through, the brisk air cold. This time there was no dinner tables, no cameras and no city lit up by a celebration. It was just me, Gabe and the stars. He led me to the railing as far away from the door as possible.

Gabe released my hand and leaned over. His hazel eyes stared at the town square below us and in that moment, secrets were revealed. His eyes were wild, he looked as though he hadn't slept in days.

"Gabe, can you please tell me what's wrong?" I begged. He gave a heavy sigh and put his head in his hands.

"Gabriel, please," I said, grasping his bare forearm.

"Ember, I messed up," he said keeping his face hidden. My first thought was that maybe he had sexual relations with one of the girls but immediately felt foolish for the selfish thought. There was obviously more going on here. His arms didn't budge.

Suddenly, the wind blew hard like it had that night on the Pierre. I put one of my hands on the small of his back and reached up to whisper in his ear, "We're alone. You can tell me anything."

He looked up from his hands and pulled me towards him, hard. I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he began to whisper.

"I've been contacting a man in the south, he goes by the name Raider. He's a rebel," Gabriel admitted. If I had expected him to say anything at all, it sure as hell wasn't that. "He's been giving me details about the southern rebels building a revolution but," he pulled away to look into my eyes, "I think I've put my trust in the wrong people."

"But why should that matter? If he fed you false information, just don't spread it on."

"Ember, I gave him information. About security detail and the guard. And last night I seen a rebel," he shivered and leaned in, "It was Raider."

"So, what does this mean? You gave information to the possible dictator of the rebels and in return he gave you false information? Why would you trust him?"

"He came to me first with valid information and I gave him a very detailed background check. Everything seemed to match up, I was... I was looking to please my father," he pulled away, looking over the railing again, "I think something bad is going to happen, Ember."

"You need to tell your father," I said immediately. Gabriel shook his head and looked down.

"No, I can't do that," he whispered, voice melancholy. His head snapped up immediately and he turned to me again.

"Tell me what you know," he demanded and I knew exactly what he was talking about.

I shook my head, "I told you to ask your father."

"I did and it was bullshit," Gabriel cussed. I'd never heard him use vulgar language before and I was stunned in place. "You know why and I want to know. My mother is fighting against you. She asks me almost every single day to send you home. She looks at you with disgust and I'm almost positive she's the reason your picture was torn. Tell me, Ember. Now."

I searched his eyes, almost scared of the way he was acting. He leaned in close, resting his hand against my cheek, "Please."

"My mom," I began, "she was in your father's selection."

Just as I'd said it the same alarms that rang last night rang again. Gabriel didn't react right away, letting this new information settle. I shouted his name over the alarms and his eyes met mine then flicked towards the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him but as we reached the door, it swung open.

Three men in scrappy uniforms and empty gun holsters barged through. The guns were heavy in their hands and pointed toward us. Gabriel grabbed me and pulled me behind him.

"No sudden movements," one of the southern rebels yelled, "We're only here for the girl."

"That's never going to happen," Gabriel demanded.

"It's either you hand her over now or I shoot her between the eyes and let you watch," he said, pointing the gun at me, "Take your pick."

Gabriel turned to look at me, then back to the rebel. His eyes proved his agony. It was a lose, lose situation. He pulled me into him quickly and whispered, "Don't you dare worry. I'm going to come for you."

"Choose, Prince," he spit. The rebel reached out as Gabriel handed me over. He grabbed my upper arm hard and I winced in response. He pulled his watch up to his mouth and pressed a button.

"Got her Raider, were coming down now."

My eyes widened at the name and so did Gabriel's. He immediately tried to grab me back and was hit directly in the cheek by a fellow rebel. I watched Gabriel hit the ground and look up at me. His hazel eyes were the last I saw before I was dragged down the steps. I struggled against the grasp, screaming and kicking.

"We're not going to hurt you unless you bring it upon yourself, miss. Now, calm down," one of the men informed me but I didn't stop. Another man turned to me and held up his fist. The last thing I seen was him thrusting it towards my head.

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