Chapter 34: One down

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A smile broke out across Gabriel's face, eyes sparkling with joy. He pressed his forehead against mine and whispered, "Thank you." Then kissed me softly. His hand reached up to cup my face, brushing his thumbs against my cheek.

It took me a moment to really let what had just happened sink in. Gabriel loved me, I loved Gabriel and we were going to get married. We would be wife and husband, bound to one another through matrimony. We could begin a family, have children-

Save the country, my inner voice whispered in my ear.

I giggled between kisses, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. He leaned back briefly, "What?"

"I'm just happy, and sad, and angry," I said. "I'm just everywhere tonight."

"And I'll stand by your side and help you through it," he said brushing his nose against mine then he trailed his hand down my body and briefly fidgeted with his pockets. I lifted myself up to see what he was doing and watched as he pulled a beautiful ring out. He sat back on my bed and I followed, straddling him to get as close as possible.

He held it up for me, "When I opened up to my father that I was going to propose to you, he directed me to our designer. When I met with him he asked me about you. Your likes, dislikes, feelings and most importantly what I loved about you. I briefly told him your favorite color is lavender, you sing constantly under your breath usually in a different language, you love the garden and I particularly catch you looking at the baby breath bushes, you love your sister more then anything in the world, you hate being hidden from others and that you're very rebellious and always up for adventure. He told me he could work something up or I can check out something that was held in our jewel room that not even I knew we had," he fiddled the ring between his fingers, turning it over and over. "That's when I found this. It has a story, it's traveled the seas, which I'll ensure some day that you will do. It's been across this country not as Illeá, but as America. It was carried every night and day by an American soldier who served in the Great War. It was wrapped in a note that said 'To my songbird. When I come home, I promise to make you mine and if I don't, pretend that you once were.' The ring never made it to her and was founded by my great great grandfathers soldiers when the country was under repair. The owner was never found apart from his order papers of where he had been throughout his service which included all of the Asian nations which again, I'll make sure you see. Anyway, the story itself reminded me of us. You're my songbird and I want to make you mine..."

The diamond itself was a rose color surrounded with tiny white diamonds embedded on a shiny band. It was so simple, beautiful and meant something. It was never delivered to its rightful owner but now it'd mean something. It'd be the next queen of Illeá's engagement ring.

I held my hand out allowing him to slip the ring onto my finger and he did so slowly. I felt my lips upturn, eyes shining brilliant like the diamonds.

"I wanted to ask on this trip for a reason," he whispered in a low voice.

"What's the reason?" I asked softly while I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest.

"I know you are mourning today and I can see in your eyes how sad you are but in the years to come today you'll have a good memory as well instead of only the sad one. Today you can be reminded that this little girl who lived so briefly brought us together. She lived for a reason and it was a very very wonderful one."

I teared up, keeping my gaze on my new ring, "What have I done to deserve you?"

"You've done everything for me just by breathing, sweet Ember," he whispered, pulling me down to him. Our lips moved together once again. We kissed all night long, sleeping intertwined with each other on my small bed made for one. I watched him as his eyes drifted, my fiancé, his long lashes touched his cheek and his breath quiet behind his soft lips. I loved him with all of my being, every single ounce. No matter what happened in our future, I knew in that moment I'd do it all by his side.

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