Chapter 29: Mom

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"What was that?" I spit at Gabriel as soon as we exited the back of the palace.

"What was what?"

"That," I said irritated. "Why would I want to catch up with them?"

"They're still your parents, Ember. Plus, your dad looked very happy to see you," he said, taking my hand in his. I pulled away immediately and walked ahead of him, my heels sinking in the ground.

"You don't even get it, do you?" I scowled.

"I guess I don't," he said.

"Neither of them have even told me about Caroline and neither of them even offered anything about her in that short five minutes," I yelled turning back to him now. "And my mom didn't even glance my way." I added softly.

Gabe stood with his hands in his pockets and let his eyes fall to his shoes and nodded. He'd noticed too.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I thought maybe if we stayed around them, I'd be able to see her open up to you like your dad had."

"He hadn't, Gabriel," I said softly. "He's never hugged me and he doesn't call me 'sweetie'. You're not listening to me..."

"I am," he said reaching for me. "I promise I am. It's just hard for me to accept that there's someone out there that can treat you this way. Especially your parents. Your mom... she looks just like you."

I ignored him, turning around and trying my hardest to not fall in the dampened soil. We walked this entire way until we reach what they called the stables but it was in fact a horses mansion. Each individual horse had its own division apart from one who had a small Mare inside. A chandelier, the largest I'd seen actually, lit up every corner.

I approached the young mare. The momma huffed at me so I held my hand out offering peace. Gabriel then put some carrot bits in my hand to offer the momma horse and she slowly trotted to me, devouring the veggies in my hand. I laughed as her tongue tickled my palm.

"I've never fed a horse before," I said, wiping it off on my dress.

"I'm guessing you've never ridden one either, huh?" He asked and I shook my head. His face lit up with glee. "Come then."

I took his hand as he led me to the back wall. He swung open a door and revealed a plethora of saddles. He grabbed two and pushed passed me out the door.

"Wait. Why two? You don't expect me to be on one myself do you?" I asked him, flabbergasted.

"Well, of course. You'll never learn if you don't try," he said. He stood in front of a divided area with a pure black horse and opened the gate. He readied up the horse talking quietly to me, "His name is Gem. I've had him since he was a mare and trained him up myself. He could easily be a show horse but he'd hate to be primped constantly. He likes to ride out instead of staying in the stables."

It was beautiful to watch the bond between man and horse. Friendship built between Gem and Gabe was obvious. Gabriel then led Gem out of the open fence and laid the rein over a stub, although I don't think Gem would've moved even if he hadn't. Next, Gabriel led me to a beautiful white horse with eyes like mine.

"Her name is Kia," he told me, allowing himself in her fence. "She's the most gentle amongst, often ridden when we have guests over whom want to ride with my father or myself."

"What guests ride with you?" I asked curiously.

"Other royalty," he shrugged.

"So, other princesses?"

He didn't answer, only readied Kia for me to ride. Once she was ready, he led her out and gave her rein to me.

"Shouldn't I be wearing riding clothes? Or something of that nature?" I looked down at my dress and so did he. He shrugged slightly.

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