Chapter 38: Puzzles

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My eyes didn't leave his as I walked, too slowly, next to my father. As we approached, the minister had to confirm with my father that he was willing to hand me over to Gabriel. He confirmed and placed my hand softly into Gabriel's. I looked up at my father once, his eyes unreadable. He turned without a second glance and took his seat on the opposite side of the King and Queen. I subtly noticed the Queen following my father until he sat down. I looked away before she could catch my stare. It didn't matter, hundreds of cameras were clicking around and I knew someone would've gotten it.

The minister began to speak and Gabriel squeezed my hands tightly. I beamed up at him and he gave me a shy smile. I'd never seen him so stunning. His suit was a deep navy, almost on the verge of black and his under shirt was an ivory white. I'd allowed Laurie to choose it and I would have to thank her later. His hazel eyes burned as he repeated the minister, claiming to love and take care of me forever.


It was like large letters blinking at me. I would get to be with this man. Forever.

I repeated the words the minister gave me, promising to support and love him. To stand by his side in all things. Forever.

The minister asked us for our "I do", Gabe smile gleamed as he confidently said his, straightening his back slightly.

"I do," I whispered almost in audible in return and before the minister could get out that we were officially husband and wife, I attacked Gabriel. My arms wrapped around his with a bouquet I hadn't even known was forced into my hands. I dropped it in the process, clinging to Gabriel with all of my might. His lips soft on mine, reminding me were still in public. H lifted one hand up to my chin and pushed me subtly away.

"Oops," I giggled and he gave me a nervous laugh as well.

"Oops, indeed," he agreed. We turned together, greeting our cheering guests for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Hudson.


The ceremony for swearing in as royalty was not the most difficult of the night like I had expected, the most difficult was dancing. All night. Multiple royalty members asked for my hand, one after another only giving me a break to eat.

It was the most tiring night of my life but when I would make it back to Gabriel, it was bearable. I only hoped one of these allies were strong enough to bring up letters they wrote that was intercepted. That would make my life much easier but as royalty I'm sure they knew it was neither the time nor place. But a girl could hope.

I was leaned against Gabriel's chest when people began to part ways. We would break away and bow and curtsy then mold back together like we had been. I yawned politely, covering my hand over my mouth like Laurie had drilled in to my brain.

"You're tired already?" Gabriel joked.

"I don't think I've ever had such a busy day," I admitted. "And in heels."

He laughed quietly, "We can depart now, if you like."

"Would that be rude?" I looked up to him, honestly not caring if it would be rude.

"Of course not," he shook his head, "We could've left an hour ago if you'd have told me."

I groaned so quiet only Gabriel could hear. He took my hand and led me to his parents, it felt wonderful to not have to curtsy.

"We're leaving now father," Gabriel told him. King Anderson nodded his head and turned to a butler making a command with only his eyes.

"A lovely evening," Queen Olivianna spoke.

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