Chapter 24: 1 less

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Too say the room was crowded was an understatement. Everyone stood as my name was announced by Hugh on the stage. Gabriel and I walked arm in arm down a rosey red long run. Eyes and cameras on us. I smiled sweetly not letting my fear strike through, tightening my grip on Gabe just in case. I felt Gabriel's eyes on me and I smiled up at him while the cameras clicked away.

The rug led us to a grand table wear both the King and Queen sat. As we approached, I let go of Gabriel's arm and knelt into a deep curtsey. King Anderson gave me an appreciative nod and I only glanced long enough to see Queen Olivianna's glare. Gabriel then escorted me to my chair at the end of the table and went to take his seat by his mother as I was the last girl to walk in.

King Anderson thanked everyone for their company and announced dinner. While butlers charged in and out with the first course I glanced around the room and took in the many changes that had occurred over the past three days. The tables covered in long white cloths, their centerpieces blooming with white roses. The small stage now held a pianist and cellist playing softly in the back ground. The ceilings draped in silk leading up and around the chandeliers.

The crowd chattered throughout the meal but us girls didn't dare say a word. Which was fine with me because the only person I was sitting by was Opal and I'm sure neither of us had much to say to each other.

I couldn't help but notice the plethora of cultures in the room. The table next to me I noticed were the King and Queen of Prussia, along with their son. The only other country that has followed suit giving the first born son a selection. I stared at him and if I could remember correctly from Laurie's lessons, his name was Prince Matthias. He looked about my age and I couldn't help but think he was no where near ready to begin what Gabriel was doing. Just then, Prince Matthias looked up from his plate and locked eyes with me. I quickly lowered my eyes to my plate and decided not to stare at any other royalty tonight.

I barely ate in fear of my corset bursting open, just a few bites of lamb soup and bread. All of a sudden, people fled around to mingle and dance. They didn't make a huge deal about who Gabriel danced with since he would dance with all of us but I was flattered when I seen him by my side holding his hand out.

"May I have the honor of dancing with you, Lady Ember," he asked bowing.

I smiled shyly, "It is I who would be honored, Prince Gabriel." I grabbed his hand like I'd done so many times before but this time I was very aware of the cameras clicking away in the distance.

Leading me towards the floor, I whispered to Gabriel, "I'm nervous I'll fall."

"Don't worry," Gabriel whispered back, "I wouldn't let it happen."

He pulled me in like he had when we practiced a few days ago. Memories of me almost telling him I loved him made me shudder. I stared into his eyes the entire time he twirled us around the dance floor.

"You're a natural, Ember," he smiled.

"Oh shut up, you're doing it all," I shot back. He laughed out loud then caught a glance of someone.

"You won't be mad if I dance with the other girls, will you?" He asked sweetly.

"I can't be mad. You're not mine," I said and his eyes shot back to mine.

"Don't say that," he commanded then stopped dancing. He bent down and kissed my hand. "I'll come back to you soon, I promise."

Then he went on to ask Farrah to dance. I decided to try my hardest to mingle and soon found myself deep in conversation with the princess of Genevieve., Princess Keyana. I knew from many studies that they're heritage was Irish. We began with light talk of how Queen Olivianna did a wonderful job and soon enough she started talked to me about her secret boyfriend she had back home.

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